2 together at the top so you can stand and work.
Total above spreaders is 8
Total below spreader is 10. Four of which are folding, 1 below the spreader and 3 at deck level to get past the boom.
So, 14 stirrups [Whitworths 50542N ] and 4 folding [Whitworths 50955] total $337
You will need 80 monel 4.8mm rivets ww36648 $79.60
A heavy duty pop rivet gun such as ww65516 $75 Don't try and use a household pop rivet gun as you will get into trouble, monel rivets are very hard to pop.
All joints between steps and mast must be painted [do it on stirrups not mast] to prevent corrosion. 1 x Duralac jointing compound ww59733 $35.
So you are up for $527
I did mine in three stages and when I had finished I just wished I'd done the lot when I had the mast out. I think I spent over 8 hours up there doing it

- The mast above the boom
- IMG_4490.JPG (1.88 MiB) Viewed 1858 times

- Folding steps below the boom
- IMG_4491.JPG (2.99 MiB) Viewed 1858 times