Just sorted a problem in my Yanmar 3GM30.
It has raw water cooling and although water was coming out, the symptom was steam issuing from the exhaust over 2200 rpm.
Replaced the pump impeller and checked the flow to the pump but problem persisted.
Further investigation showed the thermostat was full of lime flakes.
Inside the thermostat housing was more lime scale and I could see the same into the head as well.
The hose to the engine was partially blocked and the bypass 'T' fitting was completely blocked.
Acid is good for getting rid of lime but I was a bit concerned about using it so I trialled a few flakes in vinegar.
The flakes dissolved in about 2 hours so I bought 4 litres from a well known supermarket and filled the engine cooling system.
After about 4 hours the results were not exactly amazing but on tasting the vinegar (unused) I found it not to have the bite which the original stuff had.
I bought good stuff (Skipping Girl) and left it in for 8 hours, flushed it again with a new lot and left it overnight.
The results were very good and the engine pulls 2500 rpm in the pen with no steam and everything in order.
Think I will do it every year or so if the thermostat show signs of build up.
(I am using it in the toilet outlet too!)