2009 Sailaway

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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby Denis Smith » Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:05 pm

5 Boats rafted up for the afternoon.
Marie Anne - Mark, Mij'a - Denis, Dulcamara - Michael & Gabi, Swift - Keith & Curly Tops - Sonia (with Shaun - Night Cap & Diana - Sea Lady) on board. Greg - Felicite came by ferry and after standing on the beach waving madly was eventually given a lift out :D
We all took the opportunity to check out each boat and getting tips from each other...a great afternoon. Although when I left it did appear that merryment was going to kick on for some time.


PS I've sent some photos in which may go on the WEB site.
Denis Smith
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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby admin » Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:23 pm

Hi all

Some photos taken by Denis of the weekend


Sorry i couldn't make it there myself, have only just gotten home from some time overseas and had other commitments, looks like you all had a great time, shame the northern boats couldn't make it (or some of our southern friends), 5 boats is a great turn out for a first one!

Lets plan some more

If anyone has any other photos please email them to admin info (at) tophatyachts.org

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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby Phillip » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:37 pm

I'm jealous, I'm jealous!

Looks like all the crews had a good time.

Will be there for the Sydney sailaway! :D

A 1969 Mark 1

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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby brendan.lyon » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:47 pm

Looks great - good outfit diana!

Yes - lets do a sydney or Port Hacking one soon -
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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby storm petrel » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:39 pm

Hi all,

Six boats Dan! Storm Petrel was there on Friday but we could only stay till lunchtime on Saturday. Sadly we had to raft up to ourselves when none of the other predicted early arrivers could make it.

Great pictures dennis. I look forward to catching up next time.

Storm Petrel
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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby mmts » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:58 pm

A great day with great people at a great location on great boats....what more can I say....it was great. Sonia, my shout for the southern comfort next time, to be sure to be sure.....it was nice on the night, but the after taste the next morning.......hmmm, must have been too much dry ginger ale :D . Ah, thirsty sailors will drink anything.

Sorry didn't get to say goodbye in the morning, i headed off into the mist about 7ish, had a nice little reach down towards lion island just under No.2 headsail, lost Lion island in the mist and rain, then had a nice run home to Parsley bay with the incoming tide. Arrived parsley bay just after 0930 then headed home to a hot shower and a warm bed to be ready for night shift tonite.

thanks to the organisers for putting this all together....will definitely be attending in the future, maybe next time won't forget the steak or the Jack Daniels.


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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby Miker » Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:04 am

Gabi and I would like to add our thanks to all those who turned up - sorry we missed meeting you Mark (Storm Petrel), apart from a wave going the other way.

We have some photos too, which I'll try to post shortly.

Warnings for future sailaways.
Keith (Swift) always has honorable intentions
Diana (sea Lady), you will never know what she pulls out of her t-shirt....
Sonia (Curly Tops) is a very accomplished sailor, belying her years and her looks, but she can also put away the bourbon so don't take her on.
Shaun (Night Cap) didn't sail down, he brought a tent, but managed to skive a bunk. Gents, make sure your wives avert their eyes when he removes his shirt.... lest they swoon.
Greg (Felicite) didn't stay long enough, perhaps that's because he spent so much of his time and energy trying to get our attention from the beach at the Basin.
Denis (Mija) has a lovely interior, and is a really nice chap, but we wish he could have stayed longer.
Mark (Mary Anne) Is quiet, un-assuming, handsome, and single. Watch out for your wives....he'll make them swoon, then dissapear in the mist.
Gabi (Dulcamara) quiet, unassuming virgin of overnight sleep overs. Finally has spent a night aboard and contrary to popular opinion, will actually do it again, but not in a 20 knot nor-easter....
Michael (Dulcamara) just don't give him the tongs, or a knife, he throws them at fish..... and never let him sail off a mooring.... sorry Keith :-(

It was a great weekend, the weather wasn't perfect, but we didn't worry too much about it until we seperated the raft when the wind and swell came up. A warning for the future, the Basin is never good in a NE wind and swell. The Sunday morning saw showers that were supposed to clear, which they did, but not until we had soaked ourselves getting back to the mooring and all the gear off.

Bring on NYE.....

Michael & Gabi
"Dulcamara" - MKIII
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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby SeaLady » Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:22 pm

Hi all,

The sailaway was great fun. Pity I could not sail up, but last min crew problems. Also I did not get as wet as I would have if I had sailed. I was soggy enough.
Big thanks to Sonia on Curly Tops for picking me up. So I could still be part of it.
And to Keith on Swift for a place to sleep, otherwise Sonia and I were going to have to share her V berth and I snore. Or so I am told.

Keith has done some amazing woodwork on SWIFT especially the floor. Beautiful. And very comfy bunks. Also a champion onion cutter and cooker.
Poor Mark on Mary Anne was getting embarrassed about the comments of his imaginary crew of 10 ladies in g-strings.
Mark, we did wave to you as you were leaving before the rain set in. We all got very soggy. You missed out on a breakfast of champions.
Gabi - stick it out. It is not always that windy and wet. Hope you got your hot bath run for you and a hot chocolate, when you got home ;)

Michael - I think we need to superglue the tongs to your hands. But your BBQing ability certainly made up for your loosing cutlery overboard.

I found it amazing how we all have the same boat but have all come up with different solutions to the same challenges. No boat was the same at all.
Picked up lots of great tips.

A great weekend and I loved it. Great food, drink and fun. The seagulls liked the cheese too. Theives!!!!
Amazing what food you come up with when it is all pooled together. Really enjoyed stickybeeking at everyones boat and look forward to returning the favour. Hopefully on NYE.

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To Dennis MIJ'A

Postby SeaLady » Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:33 pm

Hi Dennis,
Could you please email me a 'larger' version of the photo of me in the Top Hat and Tshirt - dresed for the occasion. :lol:
I would like to use it for something else but it is deemed too small.
I need it to be more than 180/270 Pixels and under 500Kb if that makes any sense to you.
It doesn't to me.

Please email to
Many thanks
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Re: 2009 Sailaway

Postby Shaun » Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:24 pm

Brilliant Weekend!! :lol:

It was fantastic to meet everyone that attended the Sailaway!!, shame Mark on Storm Petrel had to leave early, & nice attempt Gary (Galini), there's always the next get-together, which im looking forward to already (hope i can sail down then).

A spectacular sight it was to see as we approached the Basin, & there were a few Top Hats already rafted up. The weather sat was near perfect, however as mentioned before, the NE'r caused a bit of swell, & well into the night the raft up became uncomfortable.

We ate like Kings & Queens, on sunday morning we lounged in Michael & Gabi's vast 'open plan living' cabin, while enjoying brekky.
After brekky Keith sailed back to Sydney Harbour, Sonia picked up some friends & also sailed to the Harbour.
Michael & Gabi (with Diana & myself onboard) sailed then motored back to Dulcamara's mooring in Careel Bay

Thanks everyone.

ps.Who took the photo of Michael our "Top Hat Calendar, Man of the Month" ?, its a beauty! 8-)
Camden Haven River,
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