Gabi and I would like to add our thanks to all those who turned up - sorry we missed meeting you Mark (Storm Petrel), apart from a wave going the other way.
We have some photos too, which I'll try to post shortly.
Warnings for future sailaways.
Keith (Swift) always has honorable intentions
Diana (sea Lady), you will never know what she pulls out of her t-shirt....
Sonia (Curly Tops) is a very accomplished sailor, belying her years and her looks, but she can also put away the bourbon so don't take her on.
Shaun (Night Cap) didn't sail down, he brought a tent, but managed to skive a bunk. Gents, make sure your wives avert their eyes when he removes his shirt.... lest they swoon.
Greg (Felicite) didn't stay long enough, perhaps that's because he spent so much of his time and energy trying to get our attention from the beach at the Basin.
Denis (Mija) has a lovely interior, and is a really nice chap, but we wish he could have stayed longer.
Mark (Mary Anne) Is quiet, un-assuming, handsome, and single. Watch out for your wives....he'll make them swoon, then dissapear in the mist.
Gabi (Dulcamara) quiet, unassuming virgin of overnight sleep overs. Finally has spent a night aboard and contrary to popular opinion, will actually do it again, but not in a 20 knot nor-easter....
Michael (Dulcamara) just don't give him the tongs, or a knife, he throws them at fish..... and never let him sail off a mooring.... sorry Keith

It was a great weekend, the weather wasn't perfect, but we didn't worry too much about it until we seperated the raft when the wind and swell came up. A warning for the future, the Basin is never good in a NE wind and swell. The Sunday morning saw showers that were supposed to clear, which they did, but not until we had soaked ourselves getting back to the mooring and all the gear off.
Bring on NYE.....
Michael & Gabi