To service the rudder you will have to remove the bottom shoe [4x 3/8' SS bolts or bronze pins if it hasn't been off since launch].
Replace bolts with new SS and pull out and replace every 5 years or so.
Remove the tiller gear and you will find that the rudder will drop out.
Best done inwater [tie a line on it!] but if done on a slip you will need 800mm clearance below the keel at the angle of the rudder to be able to remove it.
You will need about 8" of cutlass bearing [4" top and bottom] for the rudder shaft above the rudder blade. Fix in tube with a wee bit of aradit.
To fix the bottom of the shaft [in the shoe] will require investigation when you get it out. I made up various bits of plastic tube to get a tight fit.
There should be a plastic washer on top of the shoe on which the rudder bears. Replace it if it's gone etc.
While you have the rudder free check it for leaks, it's hollow, and repair as necessary.
Before replacing check that the tiller block can be tightened firmly to the rudder shaft. I'm relying on bronze shims which is not good enough and I will have to attend to that next month.
Have fun