still have to agree with Bear on this one, a prepped mould as it is bolted together is a wonderfully"finished looking thing (so SHINY!!) and anybody i.e. reviewer not familiar with what they are seeing would be easily confused. any boat with any sort of tumblehome at all cannot be made with a one piece reuseable mould as it will just not "pop" when the time comes- seen a couple where a mate tried to get away with a simple mould and it turned into a tug of war!! so you prep it wwhile you can reach inside easy- bolt her together, finish her off and start glassing, unbolt the lot and hopefully things will spring apart!! the better the prep and mould making the less "flash" on the "seam". Very good of you to 'fess up Philip!! this could go on for ever, Maybe bear has a few more tophat mould photos... I have some but they are more of the fungal variety...
Chris the Tophat sailor who has almost forgotten what it's like...