Pelagian heading to Batemans Bay

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Re: Pelagian heading to Batemans Bay

Postby Ianb » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:14 pm

Fitting received with thanks. Nice report. Have you considered the German double mainsheet system which lets you control from the cockpit?
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Re: Pelagian heading to Batemans Bay

Postby RodM » Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:59 am

Ian, Re the German mainsheet system (I looked it up:) I wouldn't bother with it personally, perhaps on a large boat/with a large main, but it'd seem overkill fopr my purposes - I'm trying to keep things simple & uncluttered.

Phillip, Re Dodger... Having cruised with & without, I ike them, but as with everything its a compromise. To my mind, exposure is a big issue when cruising on a 'small' yacht & especially when solo or 2 crew when you don't hve an option to stay below much, and especially when its v hot/sunny/cold/wet. I've used the same adapt-a-cap for > 10 years which stays put in all weather and offers varying protection from cap to full on Lawrence of the Arabian Sea style.

The Dodger on Pelagian does not fold down. Its got a v strong stainless frame (in part cos it's not too large). Cabin top join is by rope sewn into the canvas and held in sections of grooved alloy bracket attached to the cabin. There are three gaps, two for travelller sheets & one for the main - which I don't currently use. Very little water came in through these spaces, but conditions were not at all severe. I had some concerns that the Dodger might restrict leg space when exiting cockpit to go forward. It does slightly but this is more than made up by its use as a hand rail/grip from cockpit to cabin rails. On the recent sail south I could hear when to duck my head - didn't have to be looking at what was coming. I didn't feel it restricted my view forward, and only banged my head once when exiting the cabin, but have had it there since purchase of Pelagian. Retro fit would involve re-learning! The other benefit on a TH is that 90% on the time it keeps rain/dew out of the cabin. Much of the time it provides a bit of shade for crew and instruments. Available photos attached. If you want more details/measurements I can send these in a couple of weeks.
Dodger 1c.jpg
Dodger 1c.jpg (11.65 KiB) Viewed 3495 times

The Dodger material is old and willl soon be replaced - my best learned tip on maintaining new 'clears' - Sunscreen etches plastic, so slip slop slap but not on the Dodger!
Dodger 2c.jpg
Dodger 2c.jpg (9.08 KiB) Viewed 3495 times

There are now at lest 5 TH's at Batemaans Bay. Sea Monkey, Pelagian, at least two others - Topaz Mk3? which has a much larger more upright rigid dodger, and Cinta Mk1, and a Blue Mk1 which came up from Eden & is apparently for sale.
Cheers, Rod
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Re: Pelagian heading to Batemans Bay

Postby Phillip » Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:59 am

Thanks Rod,

Yes I would be interested in more detailed photos plus overall dimensions when you can get to it.

Seems like good ports are attracting Top hats, we have 4 here while the 5th is away cruising!
:D :D
A 1969 Mark 1

Home port is at Dunbogan on the Camden Haven Inlet, Laurieton NSW
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Re: Pelagian heading to Batemans Bay

Postby Tophat25mk2 » Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:00 pm

I need to undertake the same voyage from pittwater to batemans bay, after reading this ill be stocking up on nuts n bolts and replacing all the travelling cars and triple checking everything else.
How long was the total trip? I need to have mine skippered, I did have the number of a fella that regularly runs a tug past the bay he said he could lash it to the side and drag it up, we just pick her up outside the bay and motor it in.
The Bay isnt certain pends on mooring availability anywhere from Ulladulla to Moruya will do me.
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