Mid year get together

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Re: Mid year get together

Postby CALYPSO » Thu May 31, 2012 5:59 pm

gday all, just caught up with this thread again. A lot can happen in a month! I still intend to be there. Will have crew with me. Look forward to catching whoever can make it. Cheers.
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Re: Mid year get together

Postby Miker » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:57 am

Excellent Joe! We'll be at the Basin (Coasters Retreat) from about 13:00 Saturday.

PM for a phone number if you can't raise us on 16.
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Re: Mid year get together

Postby storm petrel » Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:34 pm

Tomorrow is still looking pretty ugly, but if there is bit of wind about I will sail over to the Basin and see you there about 1pm.

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Re: Mid year get together

Postby storm petrel » Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:56 pm

Sadly, lack of wind and rain has kept Storm Petrel in port. Hopefully we will get to the next event.

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Re: Mid year get together

Postby Dolphin » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:21 pm

Oh well, can't do anything about the weather.
I hope someone went at least. I'm really disappointed that I couldn't make it.
Keen to hear from anyone who did turn up.

Now, stay tuned, Bear is going to not organise another get together on Lake Mac.

All the best, Greg.
Felicite Mk III
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Re: Mid year get together

Postby Miker » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:41 pm

What a bunch of slackers!

We're sitting at Coasters Retreat with Russel (Irishwolf)' Joe (Calypso) and his wife Anne. It's been raining, but the wind has been up for enough to get us from Careel to here in less than half an hour.

We cooked some hamburgers and are now enjoying a wee chat about how Joes hull was breached a few weeks ago.

We also have Jim from Bermagui, on an orange Mark II who is stopped in here on his way to Hervey Bay.

Sunshine and blue skies! It's brilliant!

Maybe next time.
"Dulcamara" - MKIII
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Re: Mid year get together

Postby Irishwolf » Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:09 pm

To Michael & Gabi, Joe & Anne, Jim;

I had Great company, an Education and a wet butt.............LOL

Truly, Have realized how much I have to do to bring my boat up to speed. Just sitting back (ha) and listening to others addressing small issues and how to solve these from different points of view was very educational.

Again thank you for your time and advice.

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Re: Mid year get together

Postby bearmcnally » Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:35 pm

Sorry Hatters ,"The Mad Hatters of Lake Macquarie"We were coming but Mr Greg couldn't row fast enough !!! :lol:

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Re: Mid year get together

Postby SeaLady » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:55 am

Considering the weather I am glad Sea Lady is on the hard stand.

Hang on.... no I want dry weather for doing work...

Obviously I am a woman who is never pleased :?

Thank you to John? and Tim who popped into Fenwicks to say hello.
Tim I know who you are even though we have not met. Great photos of Pippin. With luck and some dry weather at some stage Sealady will be fit to have similar photos made public.

But who is John??? Mystery man.

Sorry I was not there.

I was off spending mega $$$ buying boat stuff...
I love being sent shopping by incredibly capable technical men who give me a list and then what they have listed is not available and are then not reachagblew by mobile so I have to make an uneducated decision on an alternative which often ends up being not suitable.

I have however had a few wins and come back with something better than was on the list.

Sorry I did not get to meet in person and have a chat.

p.s. John my Shipwright is doing a fabulous job.
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Re: Mid year get together

Postby Dolphin » Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:13 am

Well, in sympathy I stayed on Felicite last night.
I phoned Mike and they all sounded as though they were having fun. Congratulations on a bit of persistence.
There was something about one Doona and everyone trying to stay warm. I don't get it?

"The ducks are on the Pond" OK!
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