Tasmania in 2013

Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Andy » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:53 pm

Good to know you are planning a trip south to Hobart, at present my Mk111 Lapse of Reason is moored in Jervis Bay on it's way to Hobart when the time is right. I am planning to do the trip in three stages:
Jervis Bay to Eden, Eden to Wineglass Bay and Wineglass Bay to Hobart. This is the shortest and prefered route which is dependant on getting reasonable weather to cross the straight. This is my plan A, Plan B is to keep sailing south to Lakes Entrance and then across to Deal Island, Flinders Island and south to Hobart, the problem with this passage is that it is further and you could have problems entering in and out of Lakes Entrance due to the bar, with the Banks Straight between Flinders Island and Tasmania making the trip uncomfortable in certain weather conditions. Best time of the year to sail, really not sure I hope to leave in March, time to complete trip, from 10 days to 20 days, all depends on how long we have wait around in Eden waiting for the right weather.

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Phillip » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:44 am


I see that the real stopper is that part south of Eden!

Eden to Wineglass Bay is 320nm, thats 65 hours sailing at the best.

I'll have to check the distances from Eden to Lakes Entrance and onwards,
but if the weather is bad, could be in Eden for some time!

Time taken will be as it is from when you sail, don't expect 10-20 days!
I learnt that going north.

Look forward to hearing what you finally plan. Are you going solo?

A 1969 Mark 1

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby ozzibod » Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:39 pm

G'day Andy,

When I brought my boat down from Sydney a few years ago, I did as you proposed, waited at Eden for a good weather window. I eventually (which was after a 5 day wait) took off in a nor'easter at 6am from Eden and when I got to Gabo Island, headed out to sea a few degrees away from the rhumb line to Flinders Island. The idea here was to avoid the shallower water that is more prevalent inside that line of the Strait. With the steady 25knot nor'easter, I made Babel Island at 7pm the following day on the Eastern side of Flinders. It is a magic place and a good place to grab a "breather" if you feel like the need for a rest. Check it out on Google Earth.
From there, it is either to St Helens or as you suggest, Wineglass Bay. When heading off from Babel, we thought it was a good idea to head seawards again before pointing our noses down the coast. That way you keep away a bit more from Banks Strait and all that stuff but it can still be interesting, nevertheless.
If you have time, the Flinders group of islands are a great area to check out.
Have a great time and enjoy the trip.

kind regards
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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby ozzibod » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:18 pm

G'day again fellow TopHatters

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I thoroughly endorse Phillip's idea of coming down to Tassie in 2013.
I personally would be chuffed to meet any of you good folk. If you want to pick my brains about local knowledge, anchorages, pubs, facilities etc. please do.
I am a member of the Bellerive Yacht Club on the Eastern Shore opposite Hobart. If I have an idea of numbers and folks are willing to stay a night or two there, I am sure the club will be happy to help out.
However, you may be tempted to spread your wings and anchor chains down our D'entrecasteaux Channel. Heaps of quite spots down there, a few pubs as well and great scenery.
Of course, you can enjoy your time coming down the East Coast. We usually spend a couple of weeks around Schouten and Maria Islands each year and the crayfishing/diving is another plus.

Cheers for now
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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Andy » Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:57 am

Hi Philip & Austin

As we know there are variations on a theme from getting from A to B, I must say Babel Island as first port of call across the straight does make sense. The two main barriers for myself are my work committments and how much time I can allocate for the trip, and my inexperience. With this in mind I am planning my trip in stages, and will seek assitance in various degrees for each stage. I will not be sailing solo at this stage. My wife and I arrive in Hobart at the end of January, our yacht has been well prepared and will wait in Jervis Bay untill we are ready, there is no rush, plenty of time to plan. When we feel we have ticked all the boxes we will depart, I am a great believer in the process of time, assiting in a well planned trip.

Austin how easy is crossing the bar at St Helens, part of my planning has ben to avoid Bars if possible?

Only too happy to assist Tophaters comming to Hobart in any way that we can.


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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby ozzibod » Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:29 pm

Hi again Andy,

St Helens barway is usually navigable in anything other than heavy east to north easterly conditions.
It is probably best to contact St Helens Sea Rescue on VHF and if you are in any doubt, they seem to be happy to come out and escort you in, They will aslo escort you out as well. I think a slab of beer lubricates the process a little but they are a very helpful and friendly bunch. From memory, a fellow by the name of Hollingsworth was the chap I dealt with. Hot showers are available and the town centre nearby with good pub meals available.
Coming down from Jervis bay, We stopped at Ulladulla, no barway and a helpful Volunteer Marine Rescue. From there to Batemans Bay, a fairly inactive barway and a helpful VMR.
From Batemans, we went to Broulee Island for the night and on to Bermagui wher the barway was of little concern. However, I imagine in heavy north easterly conditions , some care would be needed.
Bermagui was also helpful and their equivalent of the VMR was the local Fish Co-Operative, from memory.
From Bermagui, it was on to Eden. Eden VMR was very helpful and the wharf in Eden is managed by the Local fish co-op. All of these ports had overnight fees of anything from $20 to a bit more.
The only other barway is the one coming through Dunalley Canal but my experience of it of late is that there are no problems except in heavy north east conditions. It is best to go through on slack water at high tide if possible but I have managed outside of that.
The Canal Superintendant is a fellow named Tony, he is contactable on VHF, of Landline (03)62535113 or on mobile 0407 036 268.
Legally, Tony is not allowed to collect any fee for the service but us locals always give him a couple of cans of beer that are collected by means of a bucket on a long pole that he holds out from just under the swing bridge.
By the way, there is very good mobile reception at Babel Island.
Feel free to pick my brains on anything else.

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Andy » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:23 pm

Hi Austin
Thanks for the info, yes a case of beer does wonders, just have to make sure the case stays intact!!
I have the Tasmanian Anchorage Guide which is a usefull resourse for those planning on heading south, It can be ordered from the The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, cost around $50.00
How long did your trip take and what time of the year did you cross? do you have an inboard or outboard?

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby ozzibod » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:33 pm

Hi again Andy,
I know I am guilty of "waffling" so I will try to keep it brief :)
From the time I left Woolwich (30th November 2007) up the Paramatta River to the time I picked up my mooring in Montagu Bay in Hobart (30th December 2007), 30 days.
Don't let that scare you. my sister and I intended a leisurely trip and there were a few days spent in Kogarah Bay provisioning, a couple of days in Wollongong because of bad weather, then to Crookhaven then Ulladulla and so on. A few days also in Batemans because of headwinds.
5 days waiting in Eden and we left the boat 3 or 4 days in St Helens to spend Christmas day with the family in Hobart. My wife came up to pick us (my sister & I) up.
The motor was an 8hp Extra long shaft Evinrude. Very reliable but oh so fuel hungry. I have since changed over to a 9.9hp extra long shaft Tohatsu. This was a great decision. It uses probably less than half the fuel the Evinrude did when cruising at 4.5 to 5 knots. It is also lighter and has more power if needed.
I carried about 100 litres of fuel in jerry cans and made sure I topped up before leaving Eden, however, the motor was not needed in the crossing.

Cheers for now
Sintra II
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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Andy » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:12 pm

Austin thanks for the information, 20-30 days seems pretty realistic. I have a 15 hp Johnson which uses from 2.5- 4 litres an hour depending on the situation, has plenty of power when needed. I also had planned to carry 100litres.
If it is OK I will get in touch when I arrive in Tasmania, if all goes to plan we will be living at Kettering.


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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby KJD13 » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:03 pm

Hi Philip,
Good to see you are planning so well in advance. I am based in Melbourne and would like to consider joining you, perhaps rendeavouving at Deal or Flinders island. I have a back issue of Cruising Helmsman, from November 2004 which describes a couples' trip, in late January, from Eden to Deal Island. Deal Island is halfway between Wilsons Promontory and Flinders Island. Apparently the East Cove of this island offers good anchoring, with access to the jetty.
The authors stopped off at Bittangee Creek, 10 miles South East of Eden, and from there headed to Deal Island, some 205 nm southwest. This trip took them 35 hours after reaching in a steady 15-20 knot southwesterly winds.
It is worth noting, in the planning stage, that whilst there are many anchorages around Flinders Island, none offers shelter in all weather.
This article also provides a good map overviewing the distances between the islands.
Hope this helps - let me know if you would like a copy of the article.
Hope to be in touch as the planning advances.
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