How much ballast and where?

How much ballast and where?

Postby playt » Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:27 am

Please excuse my ignorance, but I've just found my way on board and now am trying to find my way around the organisation and website.
I recently acquired a shallow-draught Top Hat of uncertain vintage, of insurance origins, and am now in the process of rebuilding her in the backyard to occupy myself in my dotage. She bounces around on the top of the water and rolls on a calm day like one of those dunking glass ducks. So I've never bothered to sail her.
My priority is to dig out the sheet steel punchings and cement/sand mix, replace it with lead, stiffen her up and try to get her to sit properly in the water.
Can anyone help me with the original plans/specifications for ballast (and mast/sail plan would be good too), bearing in mind that she does not have an inboard engine but a transom-mounted outboard?
Regards, Playt.
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Location: Hervey Bay, Qld

Re: How much ballast and where?

Postby storm petrel » Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:00 pm

My understanding is that Formit made a few of these boats simply by putting a plug in the bottom of the mold and just adding extra ballast so they had the same righting moment as the standard Top Hats. I would expect the ballast to still be lead. Others may have more details.
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Re: How much ballast and where?

Postby spotswood » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:11 pm

Hi Playt,
I don't know how to post on here the sail plan I have, or the profile drawing , which shows you the ballast distribution, but if I had your email address I could email them to you.
The ballast ( in a Mk 3 anyway) is 1234 kg. This is for the standard draft model.
Cheers, Spotswood
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Re: How much ballast and where?

Postby playt » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:40 pm

Thanks fellers. Email is
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Location: Hervey Bay, Qld

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