Raised water level in bilge after sailing

Raised water level in bilge after sailing

Postby admin » Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:31 pm

I've noticed for a long time now that after sailing, particularly if we have been heeling quite a bit with water in the cockpit, when we return to the mooring, there is quite a substantial rise in the level of water in the after bilge. I usually just pump it out, and the level does not rise while the boat is moored. Rob and Dave discussed this problem back in July 2003, but they only had ingress of water while motoring - not sailing, and put it down to wear in the rudder stock upper bearing guide tube. I wonder if this is the same problem and might it be fixed by Dave's solution - raise the rudder by 12mm above the cockpit and fit a new gland and O rings. Does anyone else take in water in the bilge while sailing?


Hi Cyril
While I've had the same "problem" in the past, upon closer observing I've
noticed considerable prop rotation (inboard diesel) and leakage through the
stern gland. Also, the impellor log skin fitting seemed to develop a slight
leak when heeling under sail - but not under motor. The problem comes and
goes - usually goes when I try to find the exact source...
Good luck!

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the quick reply. My engine is an outboard in the well, so I don't have a stern gland. My log/speed impeller is up port/forard in its own little bilge compartment, which leads me to think it might be the rudder stock or maybe the bolt holes for the bolts that secure the plywood board on which the engine mounts in the well - they may need resealing. In any event, you are right - as soon as I start investigations, the bilge will be as dry as the Gibson desert!


If you have an outboard well, check for leaks in the corners. I have had
one just under the waterline for a while now. Plus leaks at gunwhales which
I have been tracking and fixing. You probably need to have a good look
while you are sailing. Try the hose on deck scenario to also try to isolate
te leak.
Good luck, it's a fidly job.

Thanks Johnno,
Most helpful. I'll have a good squiz around the well at the weekend, and i'll send one of the short crew members up under the cockpit while I do the hose thing.

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