Re rigging one wire at a time.

Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby SeaLady » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:36 pm

I just got a quote in Sydney to re rig my Top Hat also $2600

Wire $1200 + labour to remove the mast , rerig and then reset.

I think it is worth it to have it done properly and be safe.

They are also fixing things on the top of the mast like a new Tri light and radio antennae.
Possibly a windvane.

Will be interesting to see how they do it.

I also asked about repainting the mast.
They said it would be $2-3000 it would need to be sent to be Garner blasted, 'sand blasted' the spray painted with primer and then topcoat.

I think I will leave my mast looking a bit ragged.
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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby Dolphin » Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:46 pm

G'Day Dianna,
The last time I had the mast out, Aug 2000, the rigger stripped it back to bare metal. THere was a significant amount of blistering and it looked really bad. When it was stripped back the blistering just looks like just a slight mark on the metal without any real wasting of the metal. I really don't think it is important to paint it.
Someone who knows more may comment.

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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby SeaLady » Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:21 pm

I wonder what the cost is of just stripping off the paint and leaving it bare metal?
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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby bearmcnally » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:29 pm

Hello Diana

Regards painting your stick Diana ?I did Egret II 's mast 18 months ago and it cost me $200 using the International paints etch primer and Perfection 2 part urethane ( easy to apply doesn't pull like honey while brushing)Hand brushed 2x light coats wet and dry ,1 more top coat then ready to go for another 10 years.Sandblast etc and $2000 plus what a load of crap!surprised there didn't ask you to donate one of your kidneys also.Bloody shipwrights glorified carpenters .

Sorry Diana and Fellow Top Hatters but what a rip off to paint a piece of aluminum

Regards Bear

PS I feel better now : :D
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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby SeaLady » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:12 am

Thanks Bear,
But how do I do it when the mast is up?
I will ask them if I can just get the mast and boom stripped of paint.
A mast is a bit big to put in the boot of the car.
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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby bearmcnally » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:29 am

Hi Diana

It's a bit like Harry Belafonta's song "There's a hole in the bucket dear Liza " :lol: If you going to drop your mast to re rig etc ask the rigger if you can paint it on site .If not have it taken back to your place ( if you have room ) and do it there? Why not take your boom home and do it first and that way you'll be happy with the out come .If not you have lost nothing but $200 but gained $1000 worth of knowledge and experience . :?
You should be able to hand rub the mast of the old paint because it should powdery ,well mine was ! It took me 3 hours and a beer or 2.

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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby Dolphin » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:44 pm

Here are some photos from todays mast removal. I wanted to remove the mast step because there was some signs of rust on the edges of the mast step, (Harbour Bridge). I was right, there was more.

Rust under the mast step.
P1020786a.jpg (54.51 KiB) Viewed 4089 times

Also, here is the mast being removed with the mast crane. No sweat. I disconnected the wiring, applied penetrationg oil (Inox) and loosened the rigging screws the day before. The mast was out in under half an hour.
Mast removal using a crane.
P1020773a.jpg (62.47 KiB) Viewed 4089 times
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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby Killick69 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:00 pm

Greg, interesting photo of underside of mast step. It would appear that the deck/coachhouse roof is solid and only way for water to penetrate would be via the holes (6 each side if I remember correctly)? Did the screws come out easily? Are they self tapping screws and what do they screw into? I imagine there was some sort of sealant between the harbour bridge and GRP? This is exactly the work (take harbour bridge and mast home and have new rigging etc made up) I will be doing next month, after july's antifouling job.

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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby Dolphin » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:50 am

G'Day John,
have another good close look at the photos. The rust is outside the screw holes! They have encircled the screw holes with sealant and it has kept the water at bay. The rust is where the water can get under the weldment section and sit. I thought it would have been the other way round. Someone has run a bead of sealant around the mast step, that was what I was going to do. I could only see a very small bit of rust on the edge of the section.
The screws were 1/4" Whit metal thread screws! They've got practically no holding power unless they were tapped in . They did come out very easily.

Interestingly My Sailing is running an article on Rigging and checking it. It seems to correspond with what I have been told to date.

Here is the web site;

In the photos there is another mast that was removed at the same time. It was from a Clansman. It hadn;t been removed in 30 years. There is a crack in the base of the mast section caused by salt build up over the years. As the rigger was coiling the old stays the wires were splitting and cracking. If that's not a warning what is?

Since getting the mast down I've also;
Replaced the steaming light/deck light fitting (50% done)
Found the missing nut to the vang inside the mast, (always thought that was a bit loose)
Found the furler was "birdcaging" (Unwrapping) the forestay and fatigueing it. Needs full backstay tension on it when furling.
Removed the mast head radio aerial, wire was broken at the fitting.
Replaced the Windex.
I'm servicing the ST50 Raymarine wind indicator. (bloody Cockatoos) $55 for a kit, can't get the sensor any more.

All these jobs are much easier done on the dock, even if it is cold and windy.

Last edited by Dolphin on Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Re rigging one wire at a time.

Postby Killick69 » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:02 pm

Hi Greg, Is there any chance I can come and have a look see. I am at Berowra and would love to see a mast lying down. I will reschedule things and hop in the car, as any info will benefit me when I come to do the same job. Very happy to help you in any way if I can.
Regards, John
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