This is todays blog, I have reposted it here as I have to give up the laptop for the next section to maintain my house battery. Last night was very rolly so when I rose at 0600 I was a bit fed up. The weather to the east was black with rain clouds and reports from boats east of Great Keppel Island said that the sea was lumpy and disturbed. Well that did it for me and at 0800 we raised anchor and headed due west, straight for Rosslyn Bay.
Two hours later we entered the Keppel Bay Marina complete with green turtles and Top Hats [Mk 2 and a 27 footer]. First order was a shower then the washing, you know, domestic things. Silver Lady also came over and we have ordered the marina courtesy car for 1230 on Monday. So that is when we will get our shopping done. I have to get enough food for 20 days as I intend to stop over in a couple of places before we get to the next bit of civilization which is MacKay, some 150 nm away.
One thing I have discovered is that this laptop really sucks the house battery down. It took 5 hours today for the 21amp charger to get it fully charged. So the hard decision has been made to only post to the blog when I have mains power, or if I am within one week of mains power. This means that after Monday’s blog there will not be a blog until MacKay, a maximum of 20 days away. But I will be hand writing them out each day in preparation to posting. This next section of coast also includes the Shoalwater Military Training area, so I’m not too sure of what the mobile phone reception will be like and this is another reason for a gap in posting to the blog.
We are now 700 nautical miles away from the Camden Haven and at the start of the area for which this voyage is being made. Already I have enjoyed Great Keppel Island, where incidentally I forgot to mention that on the first night I saw our first sea snake, a 60cm Black and White Banded sea snake. I was surprised as I had thought that this sea snake was a more tropical species.
My plan of attack is; North Keppel Is, Port Clinton, Pearl Bay, Island Head Creek, Cape Townsend, Marble Island in the Duke Isles, Middle Percy and the A frame hut, Curlew Island in the Guardfish Cluster, Digby Island, maybe Prudhoe Island depending on the weather and then MacKay. After that it’s Scawfell Island and the Whitsunday’s.
Last post tomorrow for a while.
Keppel Bay Marina, Yeppoon.