Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Galini » Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:15 pm

At this time of the year (warm weather) I have to clean my prop and shaft at least once a month from barnacles and other growth. Antifoul paint just doesn't seem to do the job. My hull stays barnacle free for at least 12 months after each antifoulling, but the prop lasts 4 months at best. Does any one have a solution? (All this talk of shark attacks has me worried when I supply a nice berley trail while cleaning the prop).

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby mmts » Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:12 pm

Hi Gary,

My boats due soon for an antifoul, still performing pretty well it's been about 12mths since she was last done. Last time I was out the guys at the Marina were raving about a product "prop speed" I think it was called. The propellor is removed and this coating is applied, apparently nothing will stick to it, Each time you use your boat and the propellor rotates everything just spins off, what could be better

Hope this helps



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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Galini » Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:10 am

Thanks, Mark. It's worth looking at Propspeed but I think that it is probably more useful on power boats with propellers rotating more quickly and for longer periods than sail boats.

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Phillip » Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:44 am

Good Morning Gary,

I've got the same problem and last year I used the antifoul I used on the hull thinking that would do it.

You see on the previous slipping in 2006 I had to replace my prop and did not have time to antifoul it.

Over the time till I last slipped I was always cleaning the prop, well it's happening again, so next time I WILL be using what Mark has suggested and will buy an $85 tin of Propspeed that should last a few years until it goes off!

It's the only way to go! :mrgreen:

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby taunto » Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:22 pm

G'day all . I'm going to haul out next week and anti foul with altex no5 as it is the first time on this boat i was
wondering if any one could tell me how much i will need to buy to put on three good coats,looking at the underbelly and then looking at the 4Lt pot i don't think it will stretch that far and i don't really want to thin it down,any suggestions ...... cheers taunto
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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby ozzibod » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:04 pm

Hi there taunto,
I recently re antifouled my MkI with Altex No 5 and for 2 good coats took me just over half a 4 litre tin.
You should be able to do 3 coats no worries out of a 4 litre tin.
One trick I was told about and I found worked well was to use a long handled 100mm "nook and cranny" roller with a fabric roller sleeve.
I found it just as fast to apply the antifoul as you can with the larger 9 or 10 inch roller with the standard short nap covers,
Another advantage too, is that with the "nook & cranny" roller, you dont really need to use a roller tray. Just straight into the tin but dont overdo it, you'll soon get the hang of it and there is far less wastage of paint and less spatter by doing it this way.
Keep a stirring stick in the paint pot to keep that copper in suspension, it sinks to the bottom of the tin remarkably quickly. Personally, I would give the pot a stir every 5 or 10 mins or so while doing the paint job.
Best of luck and most of all... have fun.
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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Phillip » Mon Mar 02, 2009 8:46 pm

Evening All,

Normally, and I say this from experience and from previous posts, it takes 2 litres to do one coat on a Top Hat with a second coat required to meet the manufacturers thickness specifications for an effective cover. :geek:

If you want three coats it may be better and more cost effective, to put on a priming coat and 2 top coats (4lt tin) of anti-foul.

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Phillip » Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:16 pm

Evening All,

Just noticed a post on the Compass Yacht site about 'Propspeed'.

They are claiming 2 years and possibly more with a completely clean prop! :D

So now I have to work out how I can re-do the propellor at the least cost!

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby storm petrel » Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:14 am

I had Propspeed professionally applied last year to my bronze two blade prop. I have to motor for 20-30 min to get out to sea from my mooring in Brisbane Waters each time I sail and I get out about once for fortnight, so the prop gets a fair run. The prop was perfect for 7 months and then I went overseas (last Oct/Nov)for six weeks and when I returned the barnicles had taken hold just like they used to with the antifouled prop. It has been back to a once a month swim and scape ever since. Given that it cost $250 to have Propspeed applied I am seriously wondering if I will bother when I take my mk11 out for its annual scrub next month. Perhaps the Compass guys use their motors more regularly or spin their props faster?

I would be interested to hear if any other 'top hatters' have tried Propspeed.

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby taunto » Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:05 pm

Thanks for your help fellers 4 liters did it just fine, 2 coats

cheers taunto
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