about 17nm out from Mauds point it looked good, I was close hauled but not pinched up tight and very close to the rumb line to the entrance to Bateman bay. It was about 2300hrs and crescent moon but the break in the reef was about a mile wide so I was pretty comfortable. Very wet on deck so I'm in the cabin watching the plotter when I start to smell the reef so I go up to have a look and see if I can see anything, no, there are no lights to lead me in and after a call to Cynecia I find the only guide in is Luke's anchor light, which is not visible from outside the reef. I'm about 3nm off the entrance now and go back below and find I've knocked the switch to the plotter off, so I turn it back on and it can't get a fix.... sht sht sht. it's showing my vector as heading east into the reef. I quickly check the heading on the chart a find my compas bearing is pretty good . I plot my current position on the chart and enter a waypoint into the gps unit I have as back up. It doesn't look right though and I'm thinking I might have to tack out to sea for the night. Not to mention the conditions are pretty ordinary for getting any rest. I find I've put an incorrect digit in the lat. my eyes are t the best after two days with no sleep so I correct it and am still not happy. I Plot my position on the chart again and am still on line for the entrance. Then the plotter comes good and a small adjustment closer to the wind puts me on line. I keep plotting my position on the chart every 15 mins or so and as I am in the entrance I can see white water very close to the boat even though my position puts me well away from harm. Once I'm inside Luke's light comes into view and I drop the rags and motor towards it. 2am anchors down and I'm pretty wide awake. Although it was a very wide break in the reef and I had plenty of back up navigation available I was pretty anxious when the plotter went out so close to the critical moment. Oh well
it keeps me on my toes I suppose and another lesson.