Ended up spending a few nights at Coffs marina, strong NE'ers at times. The night before departure I moved out of the marina to anchor with 2 of the other yachts.
We all decided to leave at 0100 on a light westerly forecast, I had a major problem as we all congregated outside the marina & moved out.....I got my anchor fouled on a dredging pipe....it was stuck solid, as I watched the other yachts head out of the harbour, I hadn't turned on my nav lights yet & they didn't realise I was left behind, I tried for 20mins to free it, I was sweating like a pig thinking I may have to dive into the 5m deep water to free the anchor or cut the rode, or wait till daylight but that would mean I miss the weather window, eventually I let out more scope & steamed around trying to drag it off the pipe, finally it worked.
I quickly caught up with the S&S36 & Mottle 33 & continued with my nav plan that was to go outside of all the hazards just Nth of Coffs Harbour.
South Solitary Light
- SthSolitaryLight.jpg (25.45 KiB) Viewed 6559 times
North Solitary Light
- Nth SolitaryLight.jpg (26.86 KiB) Viewed 6559 times
Had plenty of time to get to Yamba, & ended up hanging around outside the Yamba bar having lunch & a cuppa for a couple of hrs until the ebbing tide stopped.