Finally got around to taking the boom off for a bit of refurbishing. Was in worse condition than I thought.
Here's some pics and possible repairs I might do. Please let me know your suggestions.
Once the gooseneck s/s bit was removed, underneath is quite corroded and something or other has made a ragged hole on both sides. Not sure what to do with this. I could use new bolts and coat all dissimilar metals with Duralac or Tef-gel. Not sure if the pitting has made it too weak.
The topping lift connector has been gone a long time. How do these plug-ends come off? MIght be able to get a loop welded on.
One bolt was holding the clew track on. Two of the holes still have bits of bolt in them. Heap of corrosion under the right hand end where the bolt is not move-able. Any ideas for getting the old bolt off? I guess to put new bolts on I need to take out the end plug to have access inside the tube.
Other boom bits are held on by rivets, though in this case with six holes there are only two rivets. Another bit like this is held on by a bolt completely through the boom, possibly once had rivets but corroded through so a bigger bolt was bunged all the way through. Maybe I can move the fittings, put Duralac or Tef-gel underneath to stop the dissimilar metal corrosion then re-pop rivet.
So, what do you reckon?