Phillip wrote:.
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Funny thing was that I only had osmosis on the port side, must have been a bad day.
That is odd, mine is all on the port side except for one or two bumps.
What I have noticed with this osmosis is that a significant number of the 100 or so lumps have been treated before and have grown back. Can see the different colour of the epoxy used to repair circular areas and slight dimpling where the ground-out areas were not faired fully smooth. New lumps coming up right in the middle of the dimples.
Didn't have time on the slip to do anything with the osmosis so will need to organise to get Windchaser up and get into the grinding some time down the track. However, while I think it easy enough to do a quick grind and fill, the fact that many of the bumps have had treatment before and not been long term successful means I will put some time and effort into the prep work so hopefully it will last longer.