Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby SeaLady » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:46 pm

Hi all.

I put a suggested get together in the events section.

Easter is approaching and to date no one has sent a positive RSVP.

I will set an RSVP date of this Friday 4th April.
If there is no interest then that gives me more time to arrange something else to do.
Probably still sailing.
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby Ianb » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:48 pm

Can I suggest some daily radio scheds over the weekend, say 1016, 1416hrs and 1616hrs on a selected VHF channel, (you choose), so that anyone who has decided at the last minute to do a sail on the day, can make contact, and possibly meet up. If you are not shy maybe tell us your MMSI if you have DSC.

Mm, is this like those singles apps where you put your profile up, and it tells you if someone compatible is in your immediate area?

Some of us are wimps, and only take the boat out if the weather is good, or the spouse gives us permission.
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby Miker » Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:36 pm

Good idea Ian, the scheds that is.....

We had, a long time ago, agreed that anyone coming into an area where Top Hat Forum members were likely to be, should use a general call on 16 "Top Hats, Top Hats, Top Hats - this is (Name of vessel) entering (name of bay, port, river etc), standing by on 16". This was so that anyone who was out on their Top Hat may answer if they were in the area. Perhaps this is a good way to do it.

We're busy Good Friday, but will be out on the water at least one or two days so could conceivably be at an appointed meeting place such as Coaster's (Basin) or Refuge, or even go into Brisbane water and raft up with Mark (Storm Petrel) at Pretty Beach........ I'm sure he wouldn't mind.... ;)

We've had a number of great gatherings over the last few years, and hopefully some more will happen. I'm due another trip to Lake Macquarie!
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby storm petrel » Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:33 pm

I was thinking another sail down to the CYC in Rushcutters Bay might be fun in the school holidays? Not sure about going North at this time of year but if a weather window appears who knows?

Happy for anyone to come over to Pretty Beach in Brisbane waters for a raft up, just remember to go East of the cardinal mark at the far end of the bay (near the boat ramp) before entering the area with the moored yachts. There are toilets on shore and a walk around the corner West to Wagstaff general store or East over the hill to the cafes in Hardys Bay.
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby SeaLady » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:31 pm

One day left to RSVP for an Easter Top Hat get together for Easter in Broken Bay. :P
"Sea Lady"
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby SeaLady » Sat Apr 12, 2014 11:35 am

Looks like no reply.

I expect to be on board sailing over Easter.
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby Ianb » Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:00 pm

Do you have a VHF radio with DSC? If so can we know your MMSI so we can call you on the water?
I am presuming everyone knows about DSC (Digital Selective Calling ), however a lot of boats with older VHF sets may not have it.
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby SeaLady » Sat Apr 12, 2014 3:04 pm

Ian I have a VHF radio not quite 2 years old but have no idea of the rest of what you are talking about.

I also have 2 mobile phones.

Refuge and America Bay are black spots for both radio and mobile phone coverage.
"Sea Lady"
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby Ianb » Sat Apr 12, 2014 8:04 pm

DSC is a good way to contact another boat directly, rather than a broadcast on CH 16.
A good explanation is found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga6WdGkaeNM
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Re: Easter get together RSVP Fri 4th April

Postby SeaLady » Sun Apr 13, 2014 3:59 pm

I don't have DSC with my radio.

Maybe I purchased a cheap one???
"Sea Lady"
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