Diesel hiccup

Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby Troppo » Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:31 pm

Bornfree, have you seen those little sump pumps for taking the oil out of the motor? Just stick the pump intake pipe down the oil dipstick hole and pump out into the sink or over the side. NAH, kidding, pump into an old bottle and drop off to a recycler. Only about 1.5 litres oil in a 1gm10 or similar so an old 2 litre softdrink bottle is ok.

I made the mistake of having the motor too hot and that did strange things to the plastic pump pipe. Warm to get the oil runny is fine.

With the oil filter, I tried the suggestion of putting a plastic bag around the oil filter when taking it off so it catches the leaking oil. Worked quite well. It helps having old rags handy to catch any drips and even to wrap around the sump pump after draining the sump.

After a couple of times doing the oil I didn't make much mess at all so it is worth trying things to make it less messy.

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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby storm petrel » Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:59 pm

The first time I used one of those pressure Whitworth sump pumps I thought I had done a perfect filter and oil change. Hardly missed a drop. But then when I was packing up I noticed the plastic pump hose had popped out the plastic bag I had put it in and dripped old sump oil over my nice clean cockpit carpet. Live a learn..

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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby Troppo » Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:23 pm

Know that feeling, Mark. Even when ya think all the oil is accounted for and contained, ya turn around and find it isn't. Bit like herding cats.

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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby lockie » Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:52 pm

I also have dribbled sump oil from my Whitworths oil change pump. These days I have a length of 2" plastic pipe with a cap to hold the pump and keep the oil from spilling everywhere. Spray degreaser all around before you start, and have heaps of terry towel rags on hand.

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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby Dolphin » Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:54 pm

Graeme, whitworths sell a vacuum system that holds about 2 litres of oil. You just insert the tube down the dip stick hole and pump the vacuum pump a few strokes. Its a very good and clean system. Volvo have a tube that goes all the way to the sump plug but its not convenient to get to.

See this whitworths product code.
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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby storm petrel » Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:23 pm

Yep, that is the pump I have, but if you don't block or raise the tube after you have used it enough oil dribbles out the end to make a bloody mess.
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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby bornfreee » Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:27 am

Great to see others went through what i did. smile. Thought i had everthing sorted, had the filter ready the pump was ready first mistake dont do this job on a humid day sweet was dripping in my eyes before i even started. then i tried fitting the pipe on the pump down the dip stick tube.
This was my first try with this engine as i normally sail without an engine, after this adventure i know why. the tube would not go down the pipe so after trying for a while i spot the pipe which goes down to the sump so i try that taking care to check the dip stick in case i was sucking the oil out of the gearbox .
All was going ok until i did the plastic bag around the filter trick somehow i did not realize how the bag had formed a knot as i twisted off the filter until it came off and we had a huge mess. we all.know how much a mess a little desiel oil makes but wait there is more after using so much paper towel to clean up i grab the funnel and after trying to fit a 5 lt oil container into a 1lt space i started pouring in the oil thinking i was on the home run ha keep thinking sweat in the eyes i keep pouring it is then that i realize the funnel is to small to allow oil to flow so now we have the whole engine covered in oil and the shallow sump is full as well.
On a good note we no longer have to worry about rust anywhere on the engine.
I will be using a icecream container next time for the filter as for the pump which sucked out the old oil ? It managed to drip oil on every bit of teak in a 6ft radius
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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby Troppo » Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:03 pm

Well Bornfree, sounds like ya did a good job to me. Everything well lubricated, the motor protected against rust, the teak oiled and a great story to tell over a few beers.


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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby storm petrel » Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:53 pm

Thought I had sorted out the injector pump leak but a two hour test run in the rain after the wind dropped yesterday ended with a puddle of diesel again. So I guess it is back to the drawing board, after the rain stops...
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Re: Diesel hiccup

Postby storm petrel » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:02 pm

My Yanmar is playing tricks on me. Today's investigation showed that it is no longer leaking from high pressure side of injector pump (OK that is fixed!). The diesel puddle that worried me after Friday's sail was due to a split in the low pressure nitrite pipe that leads from the filter to the injector pump (might have over tightened it). Sneaky the way diesel tracks when it leaks. Hopefully, a quick fix and bleed will see Storm Petrel smelling like roses and sailing again by next weekend. Perhaps I will be able to get to the Easter get together.
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