Shaun wrote:You'll be able to repair that yourself Brad.
Get a sharp chisel hack off all the loose flakes of gelcoat, doesn't matter if you get a bit carried away. Get some International Epifill, mix up small batches & apply it with a paddle pop stick or something, sand between batches (this stuff is very hard to sand particularly when fully cured), may take half a dozen batches at least, wet & dry sandpaper for final sanding, make sure area is free of dust between coats, use whatever instructions say or (methylated spirits????....check that!), marvel at your handywork each time you row to or from your dinghy!.
Using a bit of fibreglass resin & flowcoat would be a bit cheaper. Others may have better ideas,
I second what Shaun says. You want the repair to be tough seeing as you might bump it again : ). So my opinion is DON'T use an easy-sand fairing powder in the epoxy (like Q-cell). Do layers, perhaps a bit of fibreglass cloth or layers of straight epoxy like Shaun says. I encourage you to dig 'little valleys' along cracks with ya chisel so that the epoxy gets in there and has plenty to hold onto. I often do this hand holding a small sharp chisel and use it a bit like a scraper to prepare for using the epoxy. Once the epoxy has started to set you can slap another layer straight on.
Masking tape can be useful in some places as a bit of a 'dam' to keep the runny epoxy from going too far and for protecting the surrounding area BUT can be a problem if the tape gets epoxied hard to the surface.
The final sand might be a bit of time with wet and dry, although you might be able to do a first rough job with a grinder then smooth it out with the wet and dry by hand, but the repair is gunna last forever. If you do use a grinder, I suggest you take it real slow and careful and don't try and get it perfect, leave some there to remove by hand. Easy to go too far with a grinder then you have to put another layer on, so I have found. : )
When you finish it and paint it I reckon you will feel really happy with ya repair.