V-berth cushion layout?

V-berth cushion layout?

Postby Troppo » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:04 pm

What is the layout of the cushions in your v-berth?

This is what mine is currently like. Two long cushions go front to back. One cushion covers the access hatch to the porta potti and the other goes right to the front. I want to replace the cushions but am wondering if there is a better layout.

v-berth 1.png
Current cushion shapes
v-berth 1.png (19.27 KiB) Viewed 2983 times

I find the long front-to-back cushions can be difficult to lift up to get to the storage space underneath. If the long cushion was cut in half it would be much easier to lift it out the way to get to the front storage. However, the cut goes basically under where my hip goes so I am concerned that lying on the two edges will not give proper support. Could velcro them together so they don't move apart easily.

Also, the bow section I could make as one piece. The positive would be that I could easily fold the bedding up onto it when accessing any of the more forward storage and since it is one big piece then might be more comfortable. The downside to it being one piece is that it may make it difficult to get into the storage right underneath it. I guess I could use that storage for stuff I rarely use.

What layout do you have for your v-berth and what's your thoughts on the changes I am thinking about?

v-berth 3s.png
Possible options
v-berth 3s.png (42.67 KiB) Viewed 2983 times


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Re: V-berth cushion layout?

Postby SeaLady » Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:14 pm

Mine is just 2 very long cushions like yours without the cutout for the porta potty.

Underneath is a removable piece of ply too get access to the loo.

I use the underneath section - as you say to store things you rarely use.
Also there is a webbing strap on each side to hold up the cushions for using said loo.

One piece is much more comfy. And if getting new cushions, get them thicker.
Again more comfy.

I am more interested in how comfy I am when in the V berth than when on the loo.
Spend a lot more time sleeping, snuggling, reading, snoozing and enjoying a siesta than sh...ng, or pe..ng or accessing more junk.
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Re: V-berth cushion layout?

Postby Troppo » Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:22 pm

Webbing strap to hold up the cushions would be a great idea.

And you are right about time invested in the various, ah, activities. The porta potti is comfortable but I don't spend all night on it.


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Re: V-berth cushion layout?

Postby Phillip » Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:03 pm


I have three cushions. The two long ones, the same as yours but the two over the P/P area is only one cushion.

When I use as a bed I first put down one of those sheep wool underlays, this tends to hold the cushions together and is much nicer to sleep on.

Mind you I cannot sleep fore and aft, or aft and fore, as the rocking from side to side is very uncomfortable for me. :mrgreen:

I sleep across the cabin, head to starboard, and I have slept in conditions where at times I was almost standing on the port side.
This happened in West Bay [in the Percy Islands].

Remember as you said we don't spend all our time on that PP :lol:
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Re: V-berth cushion layout?

Postby storm petrel » Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:29 pm


I replaced mine with the set up you suggest with 5 cushions. It allows me to get to lockers by only removing one Cushion. I used to have the set up you used to have with the two large cushions and one insert above the head, but the big cushions eventually tore because I had to twist them around to get to lockers under the berth.

I much prefer the new set up, though I sleep in the cabin berth not the v-berth. My motley crew report the new cushions in the v-berth work well however.

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