I have gone through two wind indicators set at top of mast now due to birds wanting somewhere to land and breaking them. I am getting a bit long in the tooth to be going up the mast and was wondering what success others have had with other wind indicators, especially with the censors not mounted on top of mast. Another consideration of mine is to keep the outside of boat looking a bit bare so hopefully the thieves choose to go elswewhere with better pickings. For this reason I have a good quality handheld UHF, handheld chartplotter and ipad with software, o/b kept inside boat when not in use. I have heard that there is an ipad application that actually measures wind over the microphone somehow and transfers the data to a wind indicator type screen.
I also have a SS framework for a dodger, but no canvas attached. I am going to get it made up soon and would like to hear from others, with photos please, on the good and bad points of their particular dodgers.