by KJD13 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:49 pm
HI Mark, Greg and Tom,
As I said earlier, I get a diver to give the bottom and prop a scrub about 3 or 4 times a year, depending on the degree of barnacles on the prop. When I give the sides a wipe down, I usually use one of those household scrubbers, with the built in handle to get the slime off at water level. To get to this, I use an inflatable dinghy (which does not mark the fibreglass) and simply hook on a caribineer type fixture to the lifelines. I find that this keeps me in place. When I have to dive to clean the prop myself, I don goggles and gloves and dive to catch hold of the rudder (hence the need for gloves as the barnacles are very sharp!) and then use a paint scaper to get off the barnacles. I find that it usually takes me 4 or 5 dives to get the job done (both sides of the prop).
Wayward Lady (Mk 111)
Williamstown, Vic