Sitting on my boat in Batemans Bay Marina. Marina redesign proposed for the next few years will mean the minimum berth will be 10 metres. Guess what market they're aiming for??? The creaky old Wooden jetties and rotting pylons will make way for pontoon jetties and the offer of storage cradles for boats under 8 metres...
But for today, I've measured the cabin sole and find I have a Mk3, not a Mk2 Toppie. While I adjust to this, it's almost like owning two Tophats!
As with all good inboard owners, I've spent Sunday morning in prayer, on my knees, leaning over the engine. After I'd done the previous head fix in late 2012, changed oil and filter (twice) the oil was still milky from water after even only a short run. The Yanmar arrived a couple of days ago prompting me to try one last time... Suctioned out the oil, added a bit, removed it (repeat x 3), removed oil filter, wiped away oil pumped up by hand turning the flywheel (repeat, repeat, re...) new oil, new filter... Viola, new engine! Oil clean, tappets adjusted, no overheating... All good news. Motor swap for the Yanmar will still happen, but a bit later. For now I can inspect prop shaft, cutlass bearing, rudder n all when the two BB Tophats emerge for an anti foul job early October.
A Mk3 Toppie, hmmm... At least now I know which gallery to put photos in