Welcome to the site Stonedpirate,
Did you buy 30m of chain and the new outboard you were talking about on the Seabreeze site?
And have you sorted out your navigation problems?
I have found that NRMA is the best insurer in NSW, how did you go?
The trick with deck paints, or any paint for that matter on fiberglass, is in the preparation and undercoat,
get those two things right and the top coats will last forever, give or take wear and tear.
Don't forget to check out your local hardwear store as I have found that they can be cheaper than Whitworths for the same paint!
Have you found an anchage between your start point and where you are sailing in WA, Mandurah to Bunbury was it?
At best it will take you 10 hours to sail that distance [average of 4.5knots] so you will need two crew if you are doing this for the first time as I think you are.
It would be best to do it in two legs, even if one of them is only 20 nm or so.
There are not many Top Hats in WA so make sure you get the names of any you see, and a photo if possible.
You did not mention what Mark your Top Hat is and its name, please go to the new members section and introduce yourself.
You will enjoy yourself like all of us owners over here on the east coast.

PS are you still planning to leave this Thursday.