To avoid hijacking a different thread I thought I would start my own.
My position is problematic. The original step is in pretty bad condition, but it is repairable. At any rate it doesnt fit properly. Ultimately I need a new step and since the old one doesnt fit I cant take the old one to a metal fabricator to use as a template.
I also understand that the central coast company that used to sell the mast steps probably doesnt sell them anymore (though I will check tomorrow, it would be a quick and easy solution).
So I'm a bit stuck.
I like the idea of carbon fibre and kevlar. I am led to believe that carbon is about three times stronger than steel per volume (dont quote me though) and obviously enormously lighter. It should be fine with constant loads and would be able to work to spread the load. I can also do the job myself.
Does anyone have any advice?