Self tailing winches

Self tailing winches

Postby Shaun » Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:31 am

From: Force_Fed17 (Original Message) Sent: 8/04/2006 2:35 PM
Hi All,

I have been considering upgrading my old sheet winches to self tailing ones, has anyone else been down this road that can offer some advice in regards to costs, brands, good or bad experiences etc.


Recommend Message 2 of 8 in Discussion

From: GiovDayman Sent: 8/04/2006 2:56 PM
If you are sailing short handed, self tailers are a great idea. I would
only buy the Australian stuff Barlow, which you might even get secondhand.
They are easy to get all the spares for, etc. A winch with a broken spring
or pall is pretty useless. They also last forever.
John Dayman


Recommend Message 3 of 8 in Discussion

From: longdeepthinker Sent: 8/04/2006 5:34 PM
G`day members,
No advice, just a couple of web pages for you to explore.

This site is a wealth of info. on a huge range of matters.

Put in a search for Barlow Winches and you will find a link to The Australian Winch Company ,they deal in Barlow spares.You will also find links to the manuals for these winches.

The Aloha owners site now requires you to register to gain access to the store of information within. This was not required in the past so I do not know if there is any risk in giving your personal them. Make your own decisions.
Good luck. Let me know what you think of the site.

John Maloney

Recommend Message 4 of 8 in Discussion

From: Force_Fed17 Sent: 11/04/2006 2:30 AM
Hi John,

Thanks for the reply and info, I will keep it in mind if I decide to go down that track.


Recommend Message 5 of 8 in Discussion

From: Force_Fed17 Sent: 11/04/2006 2:36 AM
Hi John,

Thanks for the reply, I checked out that web site and found a lot of interesting projects in regards to Yachting in general. Found it easier to access it from this link


Recommend Message 6 of 8 in Discussion

From: longdeepthinker Sent: 11/04/2006 4:07 AM
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the link. It is a site that contains lots of interesting info.

Here is another site worth a look if you wish.


Recommend Message 7 of 8 in Discussion

From: BigLofty4 Sent: 12/04/2006 3:49 AM
Hello Steve,
I have self-tailing sheet winches. I didn't bother with upgrading the cabin top winches. I bought them from Arco-Hutton, a local company who are not as pricey as the name brands, but do a good winch. They have a good website at Mine are Single speed winches Model No 301st. They were $500 each with a $110 trade-in on each of my old Barlows. They work really well and have a ratchet which means you can go back and forward to bring the sail in using small adjustments. The racing types don't like the single speed - you need 2-speed winches they say, but I'm setting up for cruising and not the rush rush stuff.

I think the main advantage is in not having to cleat off and being able to leave in the winch handle for adjustments - all very helpful when single handed. I'm not sure that they fitted my old Barlow bolt holes - I had them installed by a shipwright. I looked at the underside a couple of days ago and there is no backing - they have been bolted straight through the fibreglass. Let me know if you would like photos.


Recommend Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

From: Force_Fed17 Sent: 12/04/2006 6:36 AM
Hi Cyril,

Thanks for the reply. I checked out that web site and it looks like the way to go. The advantages you mentioned seemed to make sense. I think my winches have backing plates on them though, must check next time I'm on the boat.

Camden Haven River,
Mid Nth Coast, NSW

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