Friday 26/10/2012 saw Dori (Bonnie Lass) sail up from Brighton to Yarra's Edge Marina.
Alison and Tom (Tales) made the same journey on Saturday morning and Steve and Liz (Toodoiloo) followed shortly after from St Kilda.
Kevin (Wayward Lady) had some boat maintenance issues so drove over to join in.
Several boats were not able to make it because of family reasons but we hope to see them next time.
A good sailing breeze made it a quick trip and keeping clear of ships added just that little bit of extra excitement.
Marina YE is situated right in the city and Dori had already checked out some of the opportunities available with the discount vouchers issued by the marina staff.
We had lunch at a cafe nearby and Dori regaled us with her sailing adventures on the West coast of Scotland, Irish Sea and English Channel.
It was good to have a yarn and everyone agreed that the TH site is a wonderful thing and really appreciate those who make it possible.
After lunch we went back to the boats and admired Steve's shiny home-made vane steering gear so he set it up and described its working.
Late afternoon saw Steve and Liz heading home also Kevin but Dori, Alison went out for dinner and stayed the night.
Next morning we used our vouchers for free coffee with brunch.
We had a splashy but quick sail home in 18 knots with the sheets sprung, leaping and plunging along.
Quite a nice spot at YE and it turned out a real holiday.
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