I agree Greg. It comes down to how much you want to spend, what sort of sailing you want to do and how much time and effort you want to put into your sailing. I have a mate who is getting older and thinking about selling his, beautiful, beloved 1950's vintage 28' timber yacht to go into a syndicate for a Sun Odessy 39'. He is at the stage in his life where the step on/step off thing looks appealing.
I agree that the Top Hat is Australia's best, ocean capable 25' yacht. If you have more money and/or are not into the 'simple sailor' thing then there are a huge number of other options a little bigger. But when I get my little Top Hat off the mooring and sailing in 5 minutes, the old adage often occurs to me - 'the time you have to sail your boat is inversely proportional to how much the boat cost you and/or to the size of the boat". Not many owners of 30' plus yachts regularly go out for quick, after work, afternoon sails (there are exceptions, but they are rare). Not being able to sail without organizing several crew members would add another level of complication.
The story about the Trad 30 was just out of interest. I agree they are nice boats. I know a couple of guys who own them and love them. To my eye they are not a pretty boat, but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.