Jesters ultimate storm

Jesters ultimate storm

Postby bornfreee » Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:41 am

Take note Shaun how the mast was fastened at the keel
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Re: Jesters ultimate storm

Postby storm petrel » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:05 am

Thanks for this Bill,it has been a long time since I read this. Jester was one tough little boat and Mike an amazing skipper.

I had a nice sail down to Whale Beach yesterday afternoon in a 15-20knot SW. I always try to sail(rather than motor) back into Brisbane Waters to my mooring at Pretty beach when the wind has a bit of south in it but I got caught up yesterday when the wind swung too much to the west just on dark and the current starting pulling Storm Petrel towards half-tide rocks too quickly. Backed the jib and managed to bring her onto the other tack quickly to buy enough time to kick the diesel into life. If it hadn't started I think I would have made the the front page of the Central Coast Express. It was a bit of a heart starter getting within a few metres of the reef (Familiarity breeds contempt and I will not be so cocky in future) but it pales into insignificance when you you read about Jester's adventures.

Wishing you fair winds,
Storm Petrel
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Re: Jesters ultimate storm

Postby bornfreee » Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:29 pm

Hi Mark as always great to hear from you again, i to have tried sailing in there many times that current is unbelievable as it flows in or out that S bend finally beats me,
coming from Gosford i have managed to sail with out the engine up to the rip bridge and through to Hardys bay then the next bay back to Gosford not an easy bit of sailing needing untold patience and some tricky stuff in the rip, sure makes you into a good sailor and what to do like having that anchor ready, or more importantly using that last bit of forward motion to steer to as safe a spot as you can find, a bit like knowing when the car breaks down to use that last bit of speed to get to the side of the road were you should be safe.
This new main i had made is so powerful and it is nice to know if it gets rough it wont rip if i have to hove to Ciao for now mate Bill
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Re: Jesters ultimate storm

Postby storm petrel » Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:53 pm

Yes, I agree with how difficult it is to sail up to Gosford and back without resorting to the iron genoa. I have managed it few times but only due to very favorable winds and tides. I have also managed to sail through half tide rocks half a dozen times, but the joy of sailing through the s bend is always short lived because we always seem to run out of wind in that channel near Wagstaff wharf. The channel is so narrow, it makes tacking just about impossible in light air and the current eventually grabs you and starts moving you in a direction that you do not want to go. pretty frustrating to be able to see your mooring in the distance but not be able to sail to it. Anyway all the best, Mark
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