I've taken some pics of inside the bilge. At the bottom of the bilge you can see what looks like an old crack running along the edge at the bottom of the bilge. I'm thinking she took some damage previously and it is only showing now that she is up on the trolley and has pressure on that point. It was either damaged or damaged and repaired but not repaired strongly enough.
The size of the crack looks pretty serious. I want to get it fixed properly. If I had known it was there I don't think I would have bought her as I think it's gunna cost a bit to get fixed. : (
Overall view of bilge through access point below steps. You can see the bilge-pump pipe going down to the left. Because it curls, it never pumps all the water out. I had planned to strap an old fibreglass tent pole to it to get it straight and down to the bottom. On the right is the fresh water pipe and some sort of gauge to tell how much water is in the fresh water tank. I have not really looked at that gauge before.
[to view pic best, right click, select 'view image'.]

It is easy to see the crack along the bottom. That's not my screwdrive. Actually, I guess it is my screwdriver now as it came with the boat.
The slipway trolley beam goes underneath the bilge and the area I pointed out in a previous photo of the outside where the cracks are and the bulging bit would be about the middle of the pic on the side of the crack.
So, now I understand why water was leaking out and the bulge/cracks appeared on the outside. She is freakin stuffed on the inside.