So after a a few months looking on the web, and a few days looking at Top Hats between Newcastle and Sydney, I've purchased 'Pelagian' a Mk 2 currently in Sydney Harbour. As far as finding a boat that talks to you, this one's quite chatty. So far the conversations gone along the lines of... 'OK. Replace the plumbing fittings with a real water-box, fix the seized winch and double clamp all the skin fitting hoses, then I'll take you for a sail.'
Not to mention that the current topic of replacing port lights-not windows is also timely!
Looked at a number of other Top Hats. 'Saracen' in P Macquarie must be one of the oldest Mk1's - not because of the inches of Guano & barnicles on her, but she's got chain plates instead of V brackets and all brass fittings, including a brass & wood anchor line cleat. 'Abeltje' in Newport has 6mm s/s shrounds & stays - massive rigging. All had very individual character.
But for now its getting to know Pelagian - and doubtless asking questions as I go.