If you are talking about an article which appeared in Sydney Afloat ( still going ? ) , I would love to have read it . sailing boats are a visual positive for their ascetic lines and wonderful engineering they inhabit . To here that there was some conjecture regarding them being moored in Manly Cove ( near Sydney Ferries ?? ) is just plain nonsense . Considering the size of our waterways in Australia , I'd love to know how much damage ( if any , considering ) is done to the environment , or is it just a matter of other forces such as ratepayers in Manly , wanting to push their property values up !!! . Though having sailing boats moored in my surrounds would pleasing ( Broken Hill lol ) and I couldn't see how they would disturb property value anywhere ....
If it's the case of Greenies wanting a bit of " Intellectual Airtime " then they should just consider the form by which our Nation was born , through Sailing .....
Brad, the article in Afloat was repeated in the Manly Daily too. They weren't talking about Manly Cove, but Little Manly Cove, Spring Cove and Quarantine Beach around the corner to the east. They are worked about the sea grasses. Last time I anchored at Quarantine, the bottom was all sand, no grass to be seen.
I feel the same about the so called Greenies, I truly believe in conserving resources and nature and all, but not at the expense they would put on it. As soon as you start on the with logic, they're at a complete loss.