I found the reference here it is. Not much there I afraid.
From: BigLofty4 (Original Message) Sent: 23/06/2005 10:24 AM
I have my Top Hat up on the slip at the moment - relaunching on Sunday night. I notice that the rudder fills up with water which runs out when the rudder is turned. Has anyone else experienced this problem (if it is a problem), and are there any suggested solutions? One recommendation was simply to fill the rudder with that stuff you can buy at Hardware stores for filling gaps and voids.
From: TomT_007 Sent: 23/06/2005 7:38 PM
Hi Big Lofty,
I have just gone through this whole exercise myself. In my case, the cracks in the rudder were of such seriousness that I decided to have a whole new rudder made. What I suggest you do is check the rudder for any serious cracks. If only minor ones are found, that do not require further work, then filling it with sealant could work effectively. Yes, I did have water running out.
I will put up the before picture of my rudder when I get a chance, so you can see the problems I had.
Tom Transfield
- Tom's Rudder
- Rudder.jpg (13.06 KiB) Viewed 4567 times
- The damage.
- Rudder2%20copy.jpg (13.88 KiB) Viewed 4567 times