Has any one installed a ST1000 Autohelm or similar on their Top Hat?
I went to install the ST10000 Autohelm on Windchaser and found the tiller sits low compared to the seats. So I'm gunna need a bracket on the tiller to raise the pin up high enough that the Autohelm body sits level from the pin that goes into the cockpit seat to the pin that goes into the tiller. I am concerned as the pin on the tiller will have to sit up a couple of inches to get the height needed. Is that normal for Top Hats?
I found on Windchaser there was a bracket and pin UNDER the tiller and Jamie, who I bought the boat from, said he thinks the previous owner had an autohelm that went through a screw-on hatch on the side of the cockpit seat. The hatch is in the right position but there was nowhere inside that the autohelm could connect to. This would be an alternative to having the Autohelm positioned above the seat. Does anyone know if this is a good system as maybe I should just try and put a mount for the body of the autohelm inside the quarter-berth where it can poke out to the tiller and connect to the installed low mounted pin. What do you think?