Tasmania in 2013

Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Phillip » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:36 pm

Evening Austin, Andy, Kevin, Tom, Shaun and All,

I've been a bit quiet as I have been doing a bit of research
which I hope to put up in the next couple of days.
There is some good information out there.

Poor old Seaka is now laid up [with no rudder or propellor] till mid February
because of closed engineering workshops over Xmas, availability of the local slip
and a quick trip to NZ late January for me and 'who must be obeyed'!

A 1969 Mark 1

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby ozzibod » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:59 pm

Hi Andy

I would love to catch up when you arrive in Tassie. After you have settled in.
I think you will find quite a few 'Hatters moored in Kettering, so you won't be lonely :D
I am up the Derwent in Montagu Bay but every now and then I get down the channel to unwind and we can arrange a raft-up or get together on land.

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby ozzibod » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:10 pm

G'day Phillip, Andy, Kevin, Tom, Shaun and All

Kevin's idea of Deal Island sounds a great idea. If you have the time, make the stop. It is a magic place I believe.
If you are stopping in Bittangabee Creek south of Eden, be aware that there is no mobile coverage there (at least when I was there in 2007) and it may be difficult to get weather updates for weather windows unless you can get it through the Eden VMR on VHF or HF. I always found it nice to view the 4 day weather maps on the mobile phone.
Bable Island is as Kevin suggests in that there is no all weather anchorage, however if there is a wind change, it is not far to another safe anchorage. The only issue may be a residual swell from the previous direction making life a bit roly poly at the new anchorage.
Anyway, we will work it out.

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Phillip » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:27 pm

Hello All,

Well I have been collecting information for this cruise to Tasmania and it now amounts to some 57MB, before I even look into the Cruising Helmsman magazines!

My Cruising Helmsman collection goes back to about 1985 and I have found 43 issues with articles about Tasmania, Bass Strait and the Gippsland Lakes.
[There are only a couple of articles on the Gippsland Lakes in this collection.]

I have yet to read and cull the Cruising Helmsman magazine articles.

I think I will post an index to see if there is any info I have missed, but when I have done so I will assemble a DVD of this information for interested Top Hatters.

Cheers and Merry Xmas everybody!

PS. I think the wife suspects I'm planning a cruise again! :D
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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Shaun » Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:15 pm

How about "From" Boxing Day 2012 at Camden Haven, that gives the opportunity for fireworks at Port Stephans, Newcastle, Lake Macquarie or Pittwater?? :D

Any Top Hatter's interested can tag along or join onboard any boats that want crew??

(the period after xmas is wasted just sitting around consuming the xmas dinner left overs, I'd much rather be sailing off the coast going somewhere!)

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Phillip » Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:13 am


I haven't set a date yet, still gathering information.

This year, yachts from VIC set off to TAS up to 2 weeks into January and the last have just got home [early March].

I am still awaiting the Cruising Yacht Clubs plan for their around TAS trip in 2013 also.

But we can plan on about 3 months max doing TAS plus getting to and from Eden [about 1 month].

The FROM departure date depends on wheather we get the El Nina or not as well.

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Andy » Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:46 pm

Hi Philip

Yes count us in, we are moored at Callala Bay, Jervis Bay and live at Kettering Tas. We were going to do the trip after Easter or in the spring, however seems more fun as a group activity.
Timing for us would have to be in the month of January, the route has several variations depending on weather etc, so I have an open mind sailing to the best destination on the day, all depending on the weather. My suggestion would be to plan three-four passages which would give us planned options at various stages of the voyage.
If you need any extra information about Jervis bay or Tas let me know, it would be good to fix a date as soon as you have all the information, as a starting date will attract others who might want to complete the whole trip to Hobart or only part of the trip.


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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Phillip » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:04 am

Morning Andy,

I know Jervis Bay well from back in the 70's when I did a lot of diving down there. :D

As I see it the plan should be to get to the Bass Strait Islands as quick as possible.
For me as a solo sailer it will mean going for it with the NE'ers to about Eden/Wilsons Prom
with a rest there before taking the plunge out into Bass Strait.

The return journey from Eden/Wilsons Prom may be slower as we will have to sail
against the NE'ers [not your problem!].
I might do this return section in night jumps after the NE'ers have died down each day.

Biggest problem at this moment is getting the paper charts required, I hate paying $35 :(
[$250+for complete set] for each chart and prefer second hand.

Anybody know of any Tassie charts not being used?

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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby surrealbass » Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:01 pm

I haven't tried these guys yet as I have been stuck in the marina for far too long but I came across them a while back trawling around the internet, you can custom order a portfolio and they are US7.95 each and they do 2/3 size too. there is a ten chart minimum order though. If I finally :roll: get Joylee up and sailing in time I may head over too and put her in the festival. So that would be an SA contingent. now... any other SA Tophats takers? :?:
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Re: Tasmania in 2013

Postby Phillip » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:05 pm

Chris, Could you post a link please? Phillip.
A 1969 Mark 1

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