Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby taunto » Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:15 pm

Regarding the fouling prop problem, a mate of mine has a DUNC 29 and we have been discussing this topic for some time as he has to clean his prop every month,we were at the metal polisher the other day and the topic came up ,he suggested that the prop should be copper plated,i have never heard of anyone doing this , but it makes sense.Has any one ever tried this, if so did it work. cheers Taunto
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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Sombrero » Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:19 pm

Re antifouling your prop!
Personally I do not have that problem with an outboard in a well, raised clear when not in use, which is most of the time. However, I do frequent my yacht club a lot and talk to people working on their boats. The other day I asked a fellow what he was putting on his highly polished prop and shaft. Thinking I knew all the tricks of the trade I was soon to learn a new one. He was applying liberal coats of lanolin and heating the prop and shaft with a heat gun. He explained that it was a trick used by the old fishermen, instead of antifouling paint. Now their props did not spin very fast! Buy it at the chemist, much cheaper than Propspeed! Nothing ventured nothing gained! :P

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Galini » Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:11 am

Thanks for the information on lanolin.
I considered this option a few years ago, asked the local slipway fellow and he said that he did the lanolin bit for a number of his clients but he had seen no difference.
I suspect that all his clients are power boats so the speed of prop rotation could be the deciding factor.
I guess that anything is worth a go.

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby storm petrel » Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:21 pm

Hi All,

Storm Petrel is out for her yearly scrub next week and I am going to give Propspeed another go. I will let you know how long it keeps the 'kling-ons' off the prop.

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby storm petrel » Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:58 pm

Hi Again,

Well I have just got the boat off the hard and went to go for a sail today to test out the fresh antifoul and propspeed. All went well until I engaged the prop and the boat started to vibrate like crazy. Something must be out of allignment from being up on the slip, but I cannot see what. A dive over the side only resulted in me getting bloody cold. The prop and anode seemed straight and well attached. The marina has agreed to let me get it back up tomorrow to take a closer look. Has anyone had vibration problems with their prop shafts?

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby storm petrel » Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:50 am

Hi All,

Problem solved! When they pressure washing the hull some shell grid found its way into the cutlass bearing and when I tried to run the prop it damaged the cutlass bearing. The slip owner claims never to have seen this happen before and expects me to pay $125 for the bearing, plus mechanics time to install it. Hopefully there might be some room for negotiation on this, especially as the job will probably ruin the propspeed I just had applied.

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Miker » Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:01 pm

That's not a good thing to happen Mark.

Perhaps you may need to advise that there are quite a few people you talk to about things like this and that he should check his work more thoroughly in to go him halves as you're a loyal customer and it was really up to him to make sure all was well.

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby mmts » Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:33 am

Have also gone down the propspeed path........will let you all know how I get on, if its efficiency comes down to using the boat more often, that can only be a good thing


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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby Phillip » Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:03 am

Morning All,

Just found this Jap antifoul for props, has anybody heard of or used it yet?

If this works it may at last be the answer :D , you should also goggle 'Peller Antifoul" for technical details.

BOAT PROPELLER ANTIFOUL (Peller Clean) ebay item 300417523937
Buy It Now price: AU $215.00

There should be enough in the pack to do at least 3 haulouts for our size props. :D :D :D

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Re: Antifoulling for propeller & shaft

Postby surrealbass » Mon May 17, 2010 1:27 am

Hi, I have had lanolin cooked into the prop of Joylee since 2007. as was mentioned you just heat the prop with a propane torch and then rub the lanolin into the warm prop- note you only heat the prop enough to melt the lanolin- it doesn't take long to get the hang of it. the stuff still grows but it comes off quite easily. it is supposed to get more effective with further applications as the lanolin impregnates the bronze. nothing seems to be the perfect answer. propspeed seems to work the best but it is expensive and you still get some growth so since the lanolin is almost free it gets the guernsey!

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