The bonus for me is that diesel is a safer fuel to handle, doesn't give off volatile vapours that are heavier than air and can collect in the bilge. There is no spark and high voltage ignition sources.
Petrol will go BANG!
Diesel won't!!!!!
Never be complaicent about this Diesel DOES give of vapour and hydrocarbon vapours are heavier than air.
Diesel is classed as a combustible fuel not a flammable(petrol/lpg), but all fuels have a flashpoint even our good old diesel.
For those who didn't know,
Flashpoint is the l
owest temp that sufficient vapours occur to ignite with an ignition source.
petrol, Flashpoint -40 deg C
Diesel, Flashpoint 60 deg C
So diesel is by far safer as i cant remember the last day we had lower than -40deg C in Australia,
But dont think we don't get close to 60, ambient temp of 40 can easily become close to 60 under the right conditions, so as the diesel gets warmer (doesn't have to get to 60) thats flashpoint, it starts giving of more vapours = hydrocarbon fuel = heavier than air.
And here's some useless info but something you wouldn't think is so close together, the auto iginition temp for petrol is 350 to 450 deg C, and diesel is 335 deg C, so so diesel will auto ignite before petrol, not really relevant but thought i would share it with you.
Go Diesel whenever possible but don't think it is not possible to give of vapours as it does.