Blue Moon visits Lake Macquarie 2011

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Re: Blue Moon visits Lake Macquarie 2011

Postby Shaun » Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:33 am

The locals made me promise them not to rave on about how good the lake ;) is, on the website, so I'll just put up a few photos :D & some more footage

A youtube video: :arrow:

Felicite in background, Blue Moon in foreground - Kilaben Bay
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Some of the gourmet native cuisine
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Lovely timber yacht, Marks Point in background to the right
timberyacht.jpg (32.67 KiB) Viewed 5095 times

P30.jpg (42.84 KiB) Viewed 5095 times
Camden Haven River,
Mid Nth Coast, NSW

Order of the Albatross - 2011
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Re: Blue Moon visits Lake Macquarie 2011

Postby Shaun » Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:52 pm

Swansea to Port Stephan’s, 41nm

There was a decent weather window for the return trip back to the Camden Haven arriving, however 4 to 5+ metre seas for the Monday encouraged delaying departure until Tuesday, a gentle W to NW wind was predicted for Tuesday, with seas easing from 3m to 1.5m

Greg from Felicite :D , had accepted an invitation to come along for the trip to Port Stephan’s, I was a little worried about having crew, I don’t have crew very often, so I was a bit worried about how I would go with the extra responsibility involved etc. But more importantly I was worried about my mast as apparently when Greg goes sailing on various yachts, the poor yachts have a tendency to spontaneously lose their masts :lol: .

Late afternoon on Monday I moved Blue Moon, East along the Swansea Channel through the bridge opening & onto a courtesy mooring on the east side of the bridge, for an early start the next day. In hindsight it would have been better to of stayed on the lake side of the bridge as there was some swell rolling through during the night from the large swell during the day. At least it got us used to the sea motion.

swansea moonrise.jpg
Moon rise over Swansea Bar
swansea moonrise.jpg (38.82 KiB) Viewed 5069 times

I rowed into get Greg at 1900 from the Swansea RSL car park, & back to the courtesy mooring against a sweat-inducing incoming tide.

swansea moonset.jpg
Moon setting, early morning behind Swansea Bridge
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Next morning we logged on with Marine Rescue with an ETA of 1900, & dropped the courtesy mooring at 0650, another yacht around the 40ft size left a few minutes before heading Sth & onto Port Lincoln SA. The bar was quite flat (it was a gentle out-going tide), once well clear of the bar, we shut off the engine & raised full sail, it was fantastic sailing conditions, a W’erly about 10-12kts.

Soon we could see some high peaks, that we thought might be Tomaree & Yaccaba Hds, were they….weren’t they….?, we both changed our minds until we placed a bet on it!, Greg I still owe you that beer! :D They turned out to be some inland peaks.

The lovely wind continued until mid-morning when all of a sudden it stopped….just long enough for me to consider turning on the engine….Greg suggested holding off on the engine for a few minutes, it was very pleasant ghosting along with plenty to look at as we were East of Newcastle. Sure enough it wasn’t long & the wind returned as a WNW, & gradually built to be around 15-18kts, gusting to around 20kts, we reefed the mainsail a couple of panels for a while.

Just as an aside….On the Monday, Greg drove me out to Redhead to look at the large swell & seas, & on the way back we stopped in at Marine Rescue Lake Macquarie radio station overlooking the Swansea Bar, they are a very friendly group of people running a very professional operation, I was completely blown away with the way the volunteers run the radio base, they are very open & forthcoming with plenty of useful information, for example: I learnt the repeater station for them & further bases up the coast, & also that they monitor these frequencies ( Marine rescue Lake Mac’ is VHF 80), so if you find yourself out of range on VHF16, if you know (which you should!) the repeater channel for your area you still stand a good chance of contacting Marine Rescue.

After a perfect lunch (heated up leftover Satay rice :D ), & an impromptu MOB drill (Greg’s hat flew off), late afternoon eventually saw a NE seabreeze, which was probably only 15kts but against a Northerly back current (even the bulk carriers, were facing away from prevailing wind), had developed a short steep chop, which forced a course change (How good is our hand steered course? Just ask us! :roll: :D , or look at the track plots. Each of us taking turns steering for 30mins or so).

(Bearing graph & Google earth shots courtesy of Greg's GPS)

Blue Moon Speed bearing plots.JPG
Blue Moon Speed bearing plots.JPG (75.05 KiB) Viewed 5069 times

I wanted to be East of the Pt Stephans lighthouse at 1700, estimating our destination is about 60mins from there, after our forced course change we were not getting any closer, so we turned the engine on at 1545.

Doing only 1.8kts at first into the chop :shock: , there was plenty of looking at our wake, then at our speed on the GPS & back & forth, until the seabreeze gradually eased (as did the chop slightly) & I increased the engine RPM’s as much as I dared, to increase our speed.

We were East of the lighthouse at 1715, with daylight fading quickly, we decided to come into Port Stephan’s on the entrance leads (instead of ducking in close to Tomaree Hd, & into Shoal Bay), It would be a good exercise as I couldn’t pick up the leads when I exited PS in the dark, on the way Sth.

It was totally dark as we continued along the lit entrance lead, you can see (from the track log) we pre-maturely headed off the lead & into Nelson Bay, after looking astern, the swell was still quite high, (the entrance shoal must extend for some distance west of where they are marked on the chart), so we quickly returned to the lead until we were sure of being far enough in the channel proper.

Blue Moon Pt Stephens Entry.JPG
Blue Moon Pt Stephens Entry.JPG (108.04 KiB) Viewed 5069 times

We slowly came into Nelson Bay & picked up one of the two courtesy moorings (both were vacant), & logged off at 1845.
We had arrived mast intact & no mechanical problems, Greg must have been a lucky charm, as that was the first time I had run the engine for a few hours with-out some sort of mechanical hiccup.

We rowed ashore for a lovely Thai meal, & then retired back to the boat for tea & coffee.
Greg caught the bus back to the Lake the next morning.

Thanks Greg it was a pleasure to have you aboard, & I thoroughly enjoyed your company :D .

Well that’s my version of the trip anyway :) , Greg may have a different version… :)

Blue Moon Lake Mac to Pt Stephens.JPG
Blue Moon Lake Mac to Pt Stephens.JPG (99.7 KiB) Viewed 5069 times
Camden Haven River,
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Re: Blue Moon visits Lake Macquarie 2011

Postby Dolphin » Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:15 pm

That is a very accurate account of the trip Shaun.

Having someone else on board is a bit of a gamble, boats bring out the best and the worst in people. Shaun is pretty easy going, if you get to know him, and it was an easy decision to accept when he offered a trip up to Port Stephens. He even gave me the best bunk, the port settee berth. I don’t think I’ve had a better sleep on a boat in ages. I’ve found that it’s best to sleep onboard the night before a trip to get used to the motion of the boat, even if it’s at a quiet mooring. The mooring east of the bridge wasn’t that rough.

The junkette rig was something I’d never used before and it came in very useful for reefing when the wind got a bit stronger. It’s not necessary to head the boat up to wind to reef the main. Trimming the main is different too, one set of main sheets control the bottom set of panels and another main sheet controls the top set. When the wind picked up we just let the top panels off a bit to get some twist in the main. It’s equivalent to letting the vang (or kicker) off a bit on a sloop. That relieved the weather helm and trimmed the steering nicely.

Blue Moon is one of the best kept Top Hats I’ve seen. It’s clean and bright, oh, and it’s a Mark 3!

I thought losing my hat overboard was excitement enough, so we didn’t need the extra excitement of losing another mast. It was only 3 masts anyway Shaun.

This trip was just all good. It took 2 ½ hours in the bus with a 5 minute wait at Newcastle for the local bus to get me back to Belmont. I made it back in time to race on the Endeavour 26 in the Wednesday afternoon races at LMYC despite having a bad case of “Bus Lag”.

Too much sailing is never enough.

Thanks Shaun for the invitation, that was one of the most pleasant trips I’ve had. You are welcome to join me any time. How about Broken Bay in November?
Felicite Mk III
Lake Macquarie
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Re: Blue Moon visits Lake Macquarie 2011

Postby Shaun » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:38 pm

She didnt exactly have a clean bottom, this is a video taken before I wiped her bottom at Shoal Bay, Nthbound, you can see where I tried to clean her at home before leaving.
:arrow: ... tube_gdata

Whats others skippers opinion, is her hull not too bad.....or well overdue for a thorough scrub?
Just wondering what other peoples threshold is?

Camden Haven River,
Mid Nth Coast, NSW

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Re: Blue Moon visits Lake Macquarie 2011

Postby Phillip » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:16 pm


That's worth at least one Knot of lost speed! :lol:

A 1969 Mark 1

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Re: Blue Moon visits Lake Macquarie 2011

Postby Shaun » Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:18 pm

:D , I'll leave the growth on the hull then Phil, as a self imposed handicap (give you bermudan rigged boats a bit of a chance to keep up with the junk rig ;) )

Michael, yes after the Albatross situation I keep the camera within easy reach, however my next problem was a full memory card, when I had a close visit from a Humpback Whale....

Port Stephans to The Camden Haven, 80nm

It has been a fantastic trip to Lake Macquarie, I would like to do the trip again, its a beautiful coastline, always with something interesting to look at, & a stunning destination to look forward too (at each end :D ).
I have been very happy with each leg of the voyage, for different reasons....this leg I spent more time downstairs in the cabin, slept in the large seaberth a few times & used the metho stove alot, previously spending most of the time in the cockpit, due to feeling a bit queasy when going downstairs, but didnt get any queasy feelings on this leg.
Oh and had a very close whale encounter on this leg.

Here are a few of my log entries:

Thursday 15/9/11;
0545 Dropped the mooring in Shoal Bay & logged on with Marine Rescue, ETA 1200 16/9/11

:arrow: youtube video, between PS & Broughton Is

0755 Heard a couple of knock-knocks against the hull, looked over the leeward side of boat & saw 2x orange & white floats of a crab pot!, "sh!t", no time to react as they bounced along the side of the hull & exited luckily out the back & into my wake, I could here the rope dragging along the hull, very lucky no snags there.

:arrow: youtube video

1340 Passed to the west of seal rocks, between Bull Rock & Seal Rocks

Between Bull Rock & Seal rocks
sealrocks.jpg (45.15 KiB) Viewed 5031 times

Youtube video, nice sailing conditions: :arrow:

1630 Had a look around before going downstairs to put the kettle on for a cuppa & to boil some water for a pasta pack for dinner, I mustn't of had a good look behind because after a few minutes I heard a diesel engine even over the stereo, I hopped up the the companion way & saw a large police vessel closing in fast, they slowed down & came alongside within shouting distance, asked if all was well, my name, DOB, departure & arrival problems, wished me a safe trip then off they went.
There was a couple of jet-skis on the rear deck.

Police Boat
policeboat.jpg (32.44 KiB) Viewed 5031 times

2015 Bird flew into sail :roll:

Youtube video, night sailing :arrow:

0400 Had to run & turn inshore to avoid a large ship following me, turned on the motor to increase speed, once it became light enough to see, my fears were unfounded as it passed well offshore of me

0515 WHALES!! two or three whales breached on my stb aft qtr, thought it was a big dolphin at first, they cruised alongside me ((close enough I could have poked one with the boat hook!), while I hurriedly tried to delete some stuff on my camera memory card to create some space for photos and footage, I was quite scared at first, particuarly when one cut infront of me I was sure I was going to hit it!, excuse the language on video & the quality), infront & under the boat, the water surface went very flat & calm as they moved around the boat close to the surface.

(I say two or three but it may of been just one, but it must of been very quick as it was on one side then within seconds it was on the other, thats what makes me think it was a few of them)

Whale video: :arrow:

This ship "CSL BRISBANE" passed inshore of me as I was nearly at Camden Haven, one of the crew gave a friendly wave.

ship.jpg (37.13 KiB) Viewed 5031 times

Logged off 1155 with VMR Laurieton (as they prefer to be called, not Marine Rescue),

Phil had come into port earlier the same day & Seaka was tied to the RSL wharf, I picked up my mooring, tidied up a little, had a kip for few hrs & waited for my wife to come & pick me up after she finished work.

Camden Haven River,
Mid Nth Coast, NSW

Order of the Albatross - 2011
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