topknot yanmar

topknot yanmar

Postby patrol1064 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:54 pm

the outboard setup looks pretty good,not to sure about the electric but will have a look into them.the motor is still lying in the cockpit on the boat just waiting on a friend to help take it flat out revs could only get 4.2 knots but blowing a lot of black smoke, realistic i could only motor at about 3 .dont know if it was under proped or just tired.i will have it looked at.makes you wonder why the 4 nylon head bolts came loose or where never tightend, because to hard to get at?engine was supposed to be well looked after hmmmm.anyway just good to know your options and thx for the replies.
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Re: topknot yanmar

Postby storm petrel » Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:55 pm

Black smoke at high revs is normal for a Yanmar - you are just putting in more fuel than you can burn. Usually can be sorted with a service of the injector/s. (Blue/White smoke is more of a concern.) Yanmars also have some external oil lines that can give way and make a mess of your bilge. Hopefully it will only be something simple like this. My 14 HP Yanmar gets my Tophat along at about 4 to 5 knots at cruising revs. It does not push much faster when flat out because I only have a 2 blade prop. I agree that it would be better to get it rebuilt than go to an outboard unless it is too expensive. You could also look at slipping in a second hand/rebuilt Yanmar. (I have found Minards Yanmar in Newcastle helpful.)

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Re: topknot yanmar

Postby Dolphin » Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:44 pm

Hi Mark
I have a friend that has a yanmar single, don;t know the model but it takes heaps of cranking to fire it up up. probably 15 to 30 seconds of constant cranking and then it just splutters into life. Is that usual for a yanmar? It was serviced a few years ago, rings replaced etc but aparently always did that.
The Volvo takes about 2 seconds and its running but it should its new.
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Re: topknot yanmar

Postby lockie » Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:11 pm

A Yanmar in decent nick will always fire up in a second or two, even from cold if it's given a bit of throttle.

30 sec = sick donk.

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Re: topknot yanmar

Postby storm petrel » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:45 pm

Hi Greg,

I agree with Lockie. My QM15 Yanmar is over thirty years old and it always starts first time after a few seconds of cranking, even in winter when cold. If it takes 30 seconds of cranking to start, something is wrong.

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