G'Day Tom,
I came across a simple one you could build yourself.
http://www.macarthurmusic.com/johnkwils ... urbine.htmThe advantage of a sevonious rotor is that it is not moving around all the time trying to find the wind. A long time ago I was going to have a go at building one with a mate and I think we came across the fact that they will not overspeed as the air is deflected out of the rotors at high speed by centrifugal force. This person has also added a circuit that will convert the low voltage of the generator (4 volts) to full battery voltage (13.8V) thereby getting every last drop of power out of the wind
With a fan it can overspreed. When a highwind is forecast they apply a brake by shorting the generator terminals together. It will of course generate at night too if there is any wind. You could also run the generator as a motor and you'd never be becalmed again!
Solar panels generate full power for about 6 hrs a day.
You've got me thinking!