Lord Chunderguts wrote:'tis an interesting problem, is it not? Some yachts have the drain tubes in an X shape, so that instead of draining to the centreline of the boat, they drain to the 'high' side, perhaps an inch above waterline, and this prevents the drain at the low side from syphoning and means the drain at the high side must lift the water an extra few inches. Since I can't think of a perfect solution, I'm going to bung a small bilge pump with a float switch in the extreme aft section of my gentleman's yacht, in case vast amounts of rain pour in and crustaceans block the tubes, and removable bungs for sailing. Another possibility is a wooden 'shower grate' an inch above the floor. Your best bet is to sell your TH and purchase the 'Pruva Regina' yacht featured in the film 'Spectre' for US$14 million from ypiyachts.com...
I'm also gunna make the lower part of the companionway entrance hatch as waterproof as possible, I'm not terribly keen on the idea that if my boat ever has to sit for a few months, it would start to sink if the cockpit water level ever got above the level of the companionway entrance... Best wishes chaps, Cheerio!
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