Temorarily Underpowered

Re: Temorarily Underpowered

Postby Ianb » Wed May 02, 2018 6:52 pm

The Mk1 was designed with a cut-out in the transom for the outboard. This brings the motor further forward and improves access. On some boats this was filled in but you can still see the outline of the cut out.

If you shift some weight forward like water containers in the forepeak and heavy chain in the bow, you might be able to lift the stern a tad.
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Re: Temorarily Underpowered

Postby Shaun » Thu May 03, 2018 7:12 am

You should be able to get away with the extra weight of a 4st in the MKI cut-out.
And as mentioned trying to remove some weight from the blunt end, would also compensate. Having said that I have been very happy with my Tohatsu 9.8hp 2st ultra long shaft, with the 4 blade 5inch pitch prop. very economical, & with this crane that I found the metal for it at the tip, It's very easy to lift the OB out over the back or into the dinghy, you still have to manoeuvre it around but not taking any of the weight is heaps better for the back.
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