by Troppo » Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:31 pm
Not looking good for the low areas. Most people know the streets that get flooded. On the south side, one area is known as The Swamp as floods regularly go through it. In the old days is was worker's cottages. The problem with this flood is that it is a real big one. Lots of people hiring trailers to try and move stuff out. Lots of people trying to get stuff up high enough so that if water goes across the floor their gear is out of it. Rocky does have hills, not like Bundaberg which has lots more flats. Folks away from the river flats are okay.
Lots of sight-seers driving around. What happened other years is that water comes up over the roads, police put in "Road Closed" signs and some people ignore them. As they drive through the flood waters, it sends bow waves into people's yards and even into houses. Some places the water was at the floor boards but not inside and people driving past sent waves right inside. Not good.