Telstra disaster

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Telstra disaster

Postby Troppo » Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:39 pm

:cry: :cry: :cry: I should have listened to my wife's warning when I decided to sign up to Telstra NBN, moving over from Optus. She doesn't trust Telstra.

I didn't realise the problems I was letting myself in for. Once the problems with Telstra started, they seemed to breed like bunnies.

One problem which still has not been resolved was Telstra's assurance, when I signed a 2 year contract in mid December, that my old number would be ported over to them. Keeping the same phone number was important to me as my wife has serious health problems and with lots of health services all over the place she has some contact with I didn't want to try and be phoning around and updating records. But I was foolish and believed when Telstra told me I would have the same number. But first they had to give me a temporary number. :(

In the past three months, I have lost count of the number of times Telstra has phoned to confirm that I wanted the old number ported over. I even asked them why they kept calling me to ask the same things time and again but they just got huffy with me.

What would happen was a Telstra call centre worker would confirm with me I wanted my old number back then give me a date when it would be reinstated. The date would come and go with nothing happening. So I would be in contact with them. They would confirm I wanted the old number and give me another date. And so it went on. My stress levels started going up and up, dealing with Telstra on and on was becoming toxic.

There were many other Telstra problems going on at the same time adding to the stress. I complained to the Telecomunnication Industry Ombudsman. It is 3 months since I signed the contract and through the Ombudsman's intervervention, Telstra has just told me that I can't have my number ported over. It was never possible Telstra says. What! Did Telstra initially tell me a lie just to get me to sign the contract? Certainly seems that way.

Out of every 7 promises Telstra has made me, approximately one was somehow achieved. I guess the other six promises being broken are due to errors, stupidity or lying. I suspect lying. I found that over the months as the lies kept on and on, it was like some kind of bullying and I started to hate having any contact with Telstra. Very distressing.

Problems seemed endless. Keeping the phone service connected (as in not getting disconnected) was critically important to me. So, I had specifically asked Telstra about it. I asked because my father-in-law was about to have a serious quadrouple heart bypass surgery thing and my wife was to have her own comparitively minor surgery. My father-in-law lives by himself and my wife provides essental support for him by phone. So, what with her calling him about his surgery and medical people calling my wife about her surgery, I would have postponed the connection if the service was going to be disconnected. I was very glad of Telstra's assurance that we would not lose our phone service during the change over. I was a fool to believe Telstra. The phone was disconnected for two weeks.

There were other problems with Telstra as well, but to cut a long story short, I will be moving to another provider. My initial patriotic feeling of supporting an Australian company has been trashed as has my initial happiness of moving to the NBN. I guess you could say I am feeling very negative about Telstra.

In my opinion, while some Telstra workers seemed honest, too many were quick to tell lies, perhaps to make a sale or avoid problems for themselves. Unbelievably bad service. And extremely stressful the longer it went on. Telstra has apologised and offered some compensation although I was neither happy with the offer not the apologies coming after months of my trying to get them to solve the problems.

One side effect of my Telstra experience is that lots of people have been sharing with me their own Telstra problems. Their stories shock me. I am now recommending for people to contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman earlier rather than later. If you delay putting in a complaint, the problems can just keep on going. I also recommend for people to start early with keeping notes. The assurances by Telstra of the problem being fixed can lull one into a false sense of everything being okay when it may not be at all. Taking notes allows for tracking of what Telstra says, better than trying to remember it all, especially when it gets messy and complex.

I really need to get out on the water and de-stress! I guess that is a good reason to buy another boat.

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Re: Telstra disaster

Postby bearmcnally » Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:27 pm

Hi Troppo

Where were they calling you from ?? :?

And yes Troppo every man needs a second love in their life ? It's great to go and rub and polish her and tell how much you love her and she'll never say " what do you want" ?? :lol:

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Re: Telstra disaster

Postby frank » Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:57 pm

Gees Troppo, I feel your pain,dealing with these asshats is totally frustrating. You can understand to a point when you hear of someone going into these companies and end up coming out in hand cuffs. Take a few deep breaths Troppo.
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Re: Telstra disaster

Postby Troppo » Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:06 pm

Bear: Most of the calls were coming from the Telstra overseas call centres. After the Ombudsman got involved and I was still unhappy with the service, I ended up talking several times with a Telstra lady with an Australian accent who spoke more slowly and was basically handling my continued complaint with Telstra.

And that is good advice, Bear. Boats are more than another piece of equipment, they are a second love.

Frank, that's a good point. A few deep breaths and it helps get the problems in perspective. The problems are not MY problems, they are Telstra's problems that are affecting me. I refuse to let the Telstra problems follow me around like monkeys on my shoulders making my life miserable. I am working on dealing with the issues and moving on.

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Telstra disaster to the thoughts of a new boat

Postby RohanJ » Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:58 am

Dear Troppo,

The scarey thing about our Telcos is that you have got to be lucky to not have a nightmare story.

But, you are thinking of boats again, that has to be a silver lining.

Here is one for you that you have seen up your way, but is now at Tin Can Bay, a (long) afternoon drive away.

The visible catch is a couple of speed bumps on the hull.

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Re: Telstra disaster

Postby bearmcnally » Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:42 am

Speed humps ? just means she pulls a little to port ?

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Re: Telstra disaster

Postby Troppo » Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:52 am

bearmcnally wrote:Speed humps ? just means she pulls a little to port ?


The way I sail? Nobody would notice. Not even me.

Which reminds me of decades back when an old mate was explaining to me about his old Chrysler car. He said it was easy to turn left. Just apply the brakes and the car would start veering sharply left then one would simply follow with the steering. It had other similar 'features'. He ended up trading it in and when it was sitting in the used car lot, a thief stole it. Police recovered it about 100 metres away where the thief abandoned it. Maybe the thief thought it safer to walk.

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Re: Telstra disaster to the thoughts of a new boat

Postby Troppo » Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:58 am

RohanJ wrote:Here is one for you that you have seen up your way, but is now at Tin Can Bay, a (long) afternoon drive away.

The visible catch is a couple of speed bumps on the hull.


Rohan, I am guessing the bumps are some osmosis? Did you ever see the boat in your travels? What about yourself, did you find a Top Hat close to home?

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Re: Telstra disaster

Postby Phillip » Sat Mar 18, 2017 1:14 pm

Oh dear Troppo,

I've got my own problems here where I live in that while we have a signal where the width of the band is very small so that when you get a few mobiles on, the internet drops out. We know its a Telstra equipment problem, but they keep coming back to my equipment.

With Telstra the story is after explaining the problem and getting the start of the run around, ask for it to be "escalated". The call then goes to a higher level where hopefully the person knows a little bit about phones etc.

Unfortunately Telstra is the only server who has almost full coverage along the east coast.
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Re: Telstra disaster

Postby Troppo » Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:18 pm

Philip, I have heard of that happening so I understand what you are saying. Frustrating.

Heard about one guy who just got on to Teltra NBN and phoned Telstra about his phone dial tone going strange, Telstra did a check, told him they found a fault which they would fix in 24 hrs.

The strange dial tone did not go so the guy phoned Telstra again. They said the fault had been fixed and if the strange dial tone was still evident then it was the fault of the guy's phone. With the strange tone still there, the guy went off and did some internet searching. Found out the strange dial tone was actually the Telstra message bank which for some reason had been on ever since the NBN phone was connected and someone had left a message. But he had been told nothing about there being a message bank or how to use it. It appears Telstra technicians don't know about the Telstra message bank either.

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