Windchaser was on the slip for 12 days not counting the morning she went back in. Managed to get some of my to-do list completed.
Sanded and painted the topsides. Old paint coming off.
Took a week to sand as I wanted to remove the remains of the old coat which was falling off. Used 40 grit, 80 grit, 120 grit.
First coat was Shipshape two pack primer undercoat. Sanded with 180 grit wet and dry, used wet by hand. Used three foam rollers as the paint ate them.
Using small foam rollers, applied two coats of Norglass Gloss two pack. Only used one roller per time as paint not as damaging to the foam. However, I did get some bubbles. I will test other sorts of roller with the paint to see how it goes.
Finish was shiny.
Bubbles marred some of the paint work. Hard to see except if the light is directly from the side. I wanted to lightly sand (wet and dry done wet would have been easy and give a good finish) and do a third coat but I had no time.
[next post is the antifoul]