Windchaser has been on the boat club slip since Friday 6 May. I was supposed to go up on Wednesday 4 May but the boat that was on there, a catamaran called 'In Flight' had a hole in the keel needing fixing and so the shipwright had asked me if I could give him two more days. And this is where it becomes interesting.
I told the shipwright that I had a keel problem that would be best with three or more weeks on the slip but I was only taking two weeks and the only way I would give him two days would be if he got the boat after me to delay for two days. In that way I would not be using time I could not afford to give. He said he would contact the next owner.
The next day when I went to the slip to see what was happening, the shipwright told me it was fine, the next boat would shift two days. That meant I would come out on Friday 6th and be going back in to the river on Friday 20 May.
Last night (Sat), I phoned the owner of the boat after me as I wanted to confirm I had the extra days. I am a suspicious sod. He told me he was coming out on 19th May, Thursday. I was very surprised as Thursday was his original day on the schedule for coming out. I asked him if anybody contacted him about shifting his haul-out day to Saturday. Nope, nobody had contacted him. Crikey!
I feel the shipwright has lied to me so he could get his work done. However, the shipwright has now vanished so I have not had the chance to ask him face-to-face what is going on.
So I am very time pressured and just lost two critical days. I had to get the keel repairs started today.
To cut a long story short, I used the heat gun I had bought for drying the keel a lot today. Not only for blowing 70 degree C air through the keel for hours on end as I have been doing most days but when I got to the point I felt I could start using epoxy, I speeded up its setting by warming it the same way. The warm air did the trick. Meant I could do about three layers of wet epoxy on gelled up epoxy and I have now completed the patches for underneath the keel and for the access hole I cut on the side. Tomorrow I will sand and paint with primer.
I will just get the antifouling done to be okay to go back in on Wednesday. Decided to use the Wed night high tide as I think the day tide is a little too small. Also that will give more time for the last coat of antifoul to dry. Gunna be a bit tricky picking up my mooring in the dark but have no choice.
Not everything I need to do will get done. I really needed the extra time. However, I was able to get the keel sealed so that is a positive. My first priority is making the boat safer, my second priority is making her look pretty.