Hot Pink Swimming Cap
Last weekend I attended the inaugural Women Who Sail Australia get together at Nelson Bay.
Got some great simple tips.
My favourite was to always carry a Hot Pink Swim Cap.
Ideally in a 'bum bag' with other personal emergency stuff when sailing.
Because if you fall overboard a bobbing head wearing a hot pink swim cap is much easier to see and rescue.
Plus it helps retain heat in your head.
Hopefully it will never be needed but I am in the process of putting together my own 'emergency bum bag'
Contents so far:
Hot pink swim cap $2-10
Combined whistle and chemical light 4 for $2 from a cheapie shop
Leatherman or pocket knife
Lip balm SPF factor 30+
Deflated water or wine cask bladder. Just in case your life jacket fails or you are not wearing it for some reason, blow it up and shove it under your shirt to assist with floatation