My inboard in the above is now out and gone.
It was surprisingly easy to remove, disconnect fuel, undo the flexible propshaft coupling, undo the engine mounts...took me a couple of hours.
The engine was literally pristine on the sides and back, all original paint looked very good. The fella I gave it to was very happy.
The funny thing was while I was away for a couple of weeks a few weeks ago, I rang him up in a bit of a panic thinking that I had ruined a good boat by removing the IB. He said I could have the IB back.
The OB I have on the transom was cavitating badly even over ripples in the river & going across bars is a scary proposition, coming into Broughton Islands while it was a lee shore was a problem, with the OB cavitating with the short sharp chop, there really was no option to stuff it up.
Anyway, ive since calmed down quite a bit & think I can lower the bracket alot, another option is to get an extension for the OB shaft. Last option is to move the OB into the cockpit well, then there is no cavitation problems at all.
You just have to be a bit more cautious with the OB on the transom, think ahead a bit further, get bar crossing timing right etc.
It should improve my sailing seamanship though