by Alyosius » Sat Aug 22, 2015 6:16 pm
So, alas, Galini remains attached to her mooring in Sans Souci. Basically the reason why boils down to "stupid user error"
So when I did my inspection, Gary demonstrated how to start the engine. Apply a little bit of throttle, Run the glow plugs for 15-20 seconds, followed by turning the key to on until the engine turns over. Easy.....
Or it should have been. The thing I failed to realise was how to take the engine out of gear. So what did I do? Tried to start the engine in gear - followed by retarding the throttle to neutral. At which point the engine knoked out. Eventually with my wife's help we got the engine going and underway. And the engine ran fine while there was minimal weight on the engine. Unfortunately I was trying to get alongside so eventually the engine knoked out again, probably being we were no longer attached to the mooring.
Due to a substantial amount of luck we drifted close enough to a vacant mooring to pick it up and secured it. The friendly staff at Endeavour Marine gave us a lift back to our mooring and we called it a day - I'd used enough of my bucket of luck for the day.
I made contact with Gary and discovered my error - below the throttle leaver is a small button - pull that out to pull the engine out of gear, then follow the procedure above to get the engine started - let the engine run for 3-5 minutes to warm up then put the engine into gear and proceed as planned.
Was today a failure - No. I loaded some equipment into the yacht that I needed for when I move it. I learnt a lot about how to operate an engine and I'm more confident about what to do next time. I pulled some equipment, namely one of the life jackets that came with the yacht, so I can service it. And ultimately - better to make these mistakes where help is available.
The long range forecasts are looking kind for next week. So our new plan is a shakedown cruise on Friday afternoon then over the next two days make our way as far as we can. Though to be safe we will probably only try to get as far as Brooklyn. Trying to push further than that might be more risk than is sensible.
The next step in the adventure will follow as soon as it happens.
1981 - Mk3
Nelson Bay